assmonkeysaysI'mBRITNEY, BITCH!

This. My favorite part of the story.

“Brick and mortar blog” +1

“Mommy, how did you meet Daddy?” “Well, he stalked me after I didn’t respond to a message on a dating site and the rest is history!”

You say that like that’s not a compliment.

FRE 404.

But guilt and sentencing are TWO SEPARATE THINGS!

Have you seen the rejection reactions just from dating sites? Jeezus man, that shit be crazy. God forbid a woman doesn’t respond quickly enough and then not in the right “tone” for their fragile ego? It’s scary shit, man.

I watched that special too (or one on the same case) and yeah. Just disgusting.

And you have evidence that is what Glennon did here, of course?

She is also in recovery (as am I and she is big in my women-in-recovery circles) and spirituality is a large part of her recovery.

He’s not in a position to make that determination. That is Muller’s job.

And his creepy flesh-colored beard.

I just threw up in my mouth a little.

McMasters comes to mind.

No, because nothing matters anymore! ABSOLUTELY NOTHING MATTERS!!

Aiden was the WORST! Carrie was terrible to him yes but HE WAS THE WORST and had the personality of cardboard.

And how much coke is he snorting?

I bet you’re fun at parties.