
Well the crypto bros were infringing on the regular guys so there is no love lost. They just wish they could have gotten richer off it and mad because it showed under the covers for their transactions.

I’ve got 99 problems but my dick ain’t one.

70000 people in actual middle of nowhere and are stuck under BLM restrictions on how they could evacuate people after over 20 years with no major incident is pretty good and nowhere near the level of stupid Fyrefest was.

Funny since I am still in grey here after being here for years.

Psssh baby Shoggoth

It also had a ready base of users just like Google+. Just because we have accounts doesnt mean we use it. It also shows how much Twitter traffic is bots.

Venting and button count too

They ordered it on Wish and tried the xxxl version of the carts and decided it was too expensive to ship them back.

I would honestly watch that. Then the spinoff Florida version.

Well if the US had active terrorist groups that have blown up and destroyed artifacts and locations. Then the protest theft issue on top of it. Native American history is even more annoying when a single fragment will block an entire dig and we lose out on gathering any new information.

I get this change but for things like Cookbooks or Self Help styled books you get it then usually skim to see if its viable or your reading style. That skimming can now be arbitrarily flagged as 10% for just randomly browsing the book.

If you think this is weird you should try the Trepaneringsritualen Boiler Room performance video. Death Industrial or Death Ambient is a whole different beast.

Space Nazis shot it down.

Like being half methanol instead. It is the reason we have regulatory agencies and they actually did their job for once.

I would pay to watch the wacko get railed by five black guys.

Nothing shocking. Everyone seems to forget Sony had the same thing happen a while back and nothing came of it. But oh no not Microsoft how could they?

Good thing the 90's are back because we should all get our rollerblades ready to tackle the water overlords with our alien orb and talking kangaroos.

At least we can all agree on that.

Or the live news broadcast of people jumping from the towers while commenting on it?