
We know, but in a closed room a 1m stare works just fine, that guys is just… dead inside or something.

But first we need to have him help the good guys, even on things that are detrimental to his plans then at the last minute reveal his badness, i believe that's the way things are made nowadays.

NASA + Flight + Sean Bean = I can smell the smoke from here.

Same here, just realized after reading the comment, the shitstorm would cause ruptures in the timeline.

We'll never know.

Both Key and Peele sound like cat names.


*Screenwriters win case almost inmediately*


What about Liam Gleessoons tho?!!

Sounds like the king of generic junk you have to buy when they don't have god'ol roofies.

It was damn funny.

Can two be things it.

*Crowd goes apeshit*

Liefeld erased the bar from existence.

*Clicks "Inspect element", PC Implodes*

I meant tropicals.

Damn, no way to turn that around.

I stand by my misspelled comment, but thank you for noticing nonetheless.

Dead eyes help a lot during akward sex, i think that's the appeal.