Countercounterpoint: It can be two things.
Countercounterpoint: It can be two things.
Are you one of highlander many cousins?
True, i feel i'm talking to my girlfriend's dad.
The AV Club
Rule 300 of the AV Club: Your first comments must be AVCommenters trophes, if possible copied from previous threads.
Couldn't agree more, Also:
I see you prefer Dr Manhattan's ButtNakedNasty style.
Although i hate crossovers with a passion, i have to give it to DC for Doomed, not all issues and tie-ins were great but overall it was a great event for supes compared to let's say the Hel On Earth fiasco; Action comics was in particular very well written and the art resembled Frank Quitely style which is a good…
Is Khaannn!!
Or spending a solid minute or two talking about the sturdiness of the AZTEC!
Oh my god the Bones one, are they for real. It made me laugh way too hard.
The AV Club
I remember a previous issue of batgirl when a psychologist is interviewing her and shes watching the pen move from afar, i thought "i bet she gonnna know what hes writing by the motion of the pen" and surprise then she had a meltdown on death of the faminy so that kind of happened in the nu 52 already.
Liked for talking to future-self.
I would tap into the Speed Force then Sabrina.
Good to see this, i'm not the only one with that disease, there are dozens of us! dozens!!!
Whoa i only recognize three of those, web comics seem to be the home of cartoon-real,lifepersonas characters, it seems printed comics are not indie enough (now that i think about it Image, DarkHorse, Boom, Valiant, Vertigo are not really that indie anymore). On the manga style on Seconds… i would say just a little bit…
Well, as i said above i haven't read Batgirl in a long time or seen what she's doing as of late so take my assumption as a grain of sand (missinformed sand). As for the recent style on indie comics i haven't seen this artstyle and layout for the characters since seconds (i read most "indie" labels), and the teen…
Oh i meant by the looks of the artwork (several characters in one shot as opposed to a few as we see in batbooks, a more cartoonish aproach which reaches a wider audience also they seem to be playing with teen concepts) i wouldnt know exactly because i havent read batgirl since death of the family but that's just how…