The davinci or whatever the hell he was called from alias made some wacky shit.
The davinci or whatever the hell he was called from alias made some wacky shit.
I think it's one of the few "Strong drugs" where you can be in control and also trip (cosmic levels) without all the common concerns, of course you need planning for a good trip but still, my first time i was unprepared and had a blast.
It is scary as balls, but those self-concious moments are always the ones you remember.
I know! he's basically explaining us how to make non-fear toxin!
E) eat a take tako taco in Japan's Little Mexico-town.
I want to light a cigar with a copy of Action Comics #1 while i'm being exfoliated.
I want to OWN a Protozoa.
What are your thoughts on The Banana Guard Academy? if you've read it of course.
Bateman Eternia - Same feelings, i wouldn't be surprised if Hush is actually working for someone bigger and that someone is working for Damian or some random fucking guy, dammit last issue was great with Stephanie, this series is an Up/Downer.
I remember Salma Hayek playing that role on Cirque Du Freak.
Yeah movies like this (shitty ones) are well received on the international market not just overseas, it was kind of a big deal here in Mexico, they promoted the movie like crazy, banners tv ads youtube ads the whole package.
Where dey at doe?
If Melanie Laurent is in this maybe i'll give it a look out of pure fanboyism.
*Discovers new continent names it Shelbyvillia*
Was bankrupt Amy Adams unavailable?
"It's the kind of movie where, after the twist is revealed, nothing anybody ever did at any point makes any sense"
Now you C me 2.
I Am Legumbre.
You are the winner of this thread, well played Señor Spielbergo, well played… *tips off sombrero*
I am Legend of Stella Was A Diver And She Was Always Down.