
Inlegendence Day

This honky legend be trippin!!

How to train your legend too.


This needs to be adapted inmediately!!!

Except in Alaska.

It's the music industry debacle all over again instead this time Napster is Netflix and Metallica is Genitallica.

They aren't as action an plot driven as the first tree but they lay the foundations for what comes next, and as for Cersei monologue it is actually quite interesting as you can see she's more broken than you think.

i bet she cried when Tarantulino didn't call her for Basterds.

Don't get me wrong, i know it'll be good but they underdeveloped the Greyjoys and the Martells so much i think they're going to try to rush them as much as they can without denting the quality of the show with dubious results for the book fans, but some of them (Like Victarion who is just beyond badass or Arianne)

I haven't but i have the same interest (for the historic value more than the film side) to watch some of her work.

Well yeah, it was obvious they would go all in on the Cersei rulezz arc, it gives the producers a lot of intrigue backstabbing and plotting instead of what we want (Big battles and different characters developing) but we can't have everything at this point the series is more of a DC Elseworlds/Marvel what if.. of

I prefer them to pump themselves with some sauce, Cajun Style.

The armor looks cool enough to watch the movie but thats it.


What the hell are you doing here?

*Folds victorian newspaper, continues talk about the segregation of lower classes*

Also the guy playing octavious had a baby face which made things weirder.

In Mohd we trust.

Don't forget the incest, that's what kids love these days.