
I think this is more along the lines of "Four seasons and a Bondage porno"

No shit, but still watching ironically. Also for self-flagelation purposes.

We don't talk about that!!!

I thought all money was meth money.

Yeah it was fucked up, but i still wanted to see it though, just for the sake of mmm scienceā€¦

The AV Club

Is there any other kind of boner?

Only if you screen it in a hallway and somehow manage to make all the seats seem like trycicles.

It's actually my last name, i feel both offended and aroused by your mistake.

I just saw his work on the pedia (wikifeet) and ughhhh you're right.

I always though "cousins" was a fancypants way to say coins.

Nip/Tuck De-escalated so quickly that it's painful to remember.

No "Les Cousins Dangereux"? Only english speaking shit? wheres's the foreign entertainment AVClub??!!

I was.

*Googles Rumspringa, inmediately converts to amish*

*Tobey Maguire's Spiderman comes in, realizes he's still poorer than the rest*

I thought only poop was allowed, heresy!!!

I'll bring the roofies.

Needs more Mountain Dew and Transformers T-shirts.

*Furiously Masturbates*