
Yeah check out the pilot

Terriers, like Hap and Leonard, is a sort of pulpy mystery/thriller show. The co-leads of both are sort of down-and-out chumps with a lot of baggage but a great friendship. Terriers is probably better than the Hap and Leonard show, but not as good as the Hap and Leonard books.

I liked the BBC version with Sean Bean, myself

No it's his dad. Just because he spent time with an uncle growing up doesn't mean his dad wasn't also around.


Jude definitely didn't commit suicide. It would be way too out of character, he had that whole scene with the suicidal guy where he talked about how it's about the worst thing you can do if you care about anyone.

Yeah obviously that's not how they think of it. *Hap* considers it pretty vile and racist when we get his perspective in the books, is what I meant.

Yeah that's a fair point. I'd argue that anti-science celebs (like McCarthy, Dr Oz, Oprah, Prince Charles if he counts) aren't exactly powerless either, but the GOP does have the monopoly on anti-science politicians. Even anti-vaxxers (aren't Trump and Christie both anti-vaccine?).

Yeah, I'm digging this show but I agree it doesn't measure up to the books, which are great fun. It has flashes where I think it captures the spirit of the books, though (like their banter in episode 1 about Hap losing his hair), so I see potential.

When Hap talks about his dad in the books, he mentions how his dad would say some really vile racist shit, but give food and money to poor black families even though he was poor himself. It's pretty consistent with how my racist grandparents act, really (and why some racists who say "some of my best friends are black"

Yeah they're more geared toward the Falwell crowd (who, IIRC, was one of those who says the Catholic Church is the Beast of the Revelation)

Yeah like I said, creationists and climate-deniers are more vocal about science education. The anti-vaxxers trying to ban vaccines certainly aren't harmless, though (just look at measles incidence recently). And outside America, the alternative-health crowd (which skews left) can get pretty intrusive (like the fact

Yeah, the right really isn't more anti-science than the left, when you factor in alternative medicine. They're just more outspoken against science curriculum in schools.

Two things can be that thing.

… You mean Dr. Moreau?

When you're good at making movies, like George Miller, you can do a whole lot of visual storytelling. It's a pretty big advantage of the medium of film, but it seems like a whole lot of writers and directors forget that.

Great finale, I loved it. It was everything I hoped it would be.

I haven't seen it but I bet that Swiss Army Man is the second-best flatulence-based movie starring a Hogwarts alumnus. I find it hard to believe it could top Thunderpants:

Well, he *was* robbed. Not by the Academy though, just by his shitty wife and stepson.

I'm finding this show so frustrating. It has such strong moments at times (like Siege of Lothal) but it's just so inconsistent and coltish.
There's a lot of potential - Kanan, Hera, Ezra, and Sabine are all decent characters, Seventh Sister is a fine villain so far, the era has a lot of story potential - but it