
About 3.7.

Avarsarala got to swear a lot this episode which was nice. Unfortunately since SyFy isn't HBO I doubt she'll ever really get to cut loose like in the books.

I don't think she's a passive character either (certainly not in the books) but she hasn't had as much clear impact on the plot as Miller or Holden until this episode. That's just the nature of her role as a politician though, not a Space Cop or a ragtag crew of scrappy Space Privateers.

I bet the spy won't make it off Eros, personally.
Incidentally, in the books, I wish Bobby had signed on with Holden. She would've been a great fifth member.

Only the spy has officially called Holden the "captain" so far, though (which Amos denied). Alex and Naomi are coming around to accepting him as a leader, which I thought was pretty clear and well-handled this episode.
I bet Amos will start to come around after the events on Eros.

I hope the next job Zach Levi gets is something good. I liked Chuck and I think he's a good actor.
That's about the extent of what I can make myself feel for this schlockfest anymore.

If she was on this show, between Poots, Butz, and McKinley Belcher III, it would pretty much be the whole trifecta.

Oh ok I didn't recognize that guy, thanks.

The best service that Netflix could offer anyone regardless of region is to never make Beverly Hills Cop 3 available anywhere.

That wasn't Hayden Christensen's voice, they brought James Earl Jones in to shit on his own legacy.

The fact that he gets roles while having the least-showbiz name ever really emphasizes what a great actor Norbert Butz is.

As terrible at (intentional) comedy as Bay is, it couldn't be worse than Caddyshack 2.

It's been a while since I watched it so I looked up the episode list, and yeah I guess my brain was referring to the miniseries as "the first few episodes." I forgot that "33" was so early in the run and it really is excellent.

Yeah that might be why they paced the Rocinante plot a bit quicker than Miller's, when in the book they're happening at more or less the same time. They get to spend some downtime with the crew while keeping Miller's plot paced at a more consistent clip (and it's easier to give strong character moments to Miller and

Space Mutiny is one of the best MST3K episodes, if you ever have a couple hours to kill.

It's got a 65 on Metacritic which I found to be shockingly low. The lowest ratings basically said it was "too confusing" which is sad more than anything, the show does require you to pay close attention but isn't that kind of what a critic should do?
It's got really high user scores on Metacritic and imdb though.

I agree, but I think I get what Motard's saying. A lot of sci-fi schlock tries to either come up with an excuse for a gritty aesthetic so they can film in a dirty factory or warehouse or whatever (like Space Mutiny) or that they cultivate a "used-future" aesthetic to create some visual appeal as a stopgap so they

"From my point of view, *sober* drivers are evil!"

You're right that it's harder for genre shows to maintain that balance. The new "prestige" standard of 10 to 13 episodes hurts some of these shows, too - but there's another balance to be struck there, too, because The Expanse looks pretty high-budget and a season of more than 13 episodes or so could get pretty pricey

If you like Mass Effect and you like the show then yes I highly recommend the books to you.