
Yeah he's the number-two guy in a galaxy-spanning government, that can afford to build multiple moon-sized planet-killing guns, who was instrumental in enacting the Emperor's overthrow of the Republic… and they can't afford to buy the guy a pair of shoes that fit? Shit, he's got robot feet, just file his toes down a

This to eschew mendacity fam.

Good grief this schlock is still on? I tried for a few episodes, I really did, but absolutely everything on this show is just wasted. It's a waste of some good actors, a waste of a workable premise, and a waste of everyone's time.

The books (unlike the show) specifically reference Don Quixote.

Well yeah, it's definitely thematically appropriate, I just also think Rush naming a ship the Rocinante factored into the authors' decision for the name (not Holden's).

I thought Amos had a sorta subtle nod to "The Churn" when they named the ship (although his past gets brought up in the novels proper, too).


You'd need different cups for zero-g though, I think. The coffee cups on the ISS almost look like a face mask.

Yeah the fakeness is intentional and justified, hopefully they throw in a line or two to explain it. It wouldn't take much and I kind of thought it would get brought up on the Donnager. Maybe they'll mention it when a certain Samoan lady meets the crew?

I don't remember if the books specify a "standard" Belt gravity, but Ceres has been spun up (by the same corporation that runs Tycho Station) to have a higher gravity. There are other asteroid colonies that have been spun in the same way, but they may still have somewhat different gravity from one another.

I forget exactly where Tycho Station is, but it's not near the moon. Luna is UN/Earth corporation territory, not OPA. I think the station is fairly close to Ceres IIRC. Also 0.3g seems to be standard cruising acceleration in the books.
As always, thanks for the physics! I hadn't considered the oxygen vs total

This was great. The show version of the Roci's crew is definitely growing on me. I found Alex's over-the-top Texanness funny ("Flyin' Alamo!"), as well as Holden's short-lived ecstatic reaction to finding the coffee maker.
I like the conflict between Naomi and Holden at this point but I do hope she starts to loosen up

One of the book authors (I think it was Ty Franck) did say they were a Rush fan, so it might have factored in. In-universe, though, only Don Quixote is mentioned.

Naomi was kind of a grump at the beginning of Leviathan Wakes though IIRC. Not as much as she is on the show but I felt like she was kinda frustrated with Holden until Tycho station or thereabouts.

What is that, some kinda sportsball? Keep that outta my spaceship show!

We don't know enough backstory yet to know if Luke became a better Jedi than Obi-Wan, but he definitely surpassed him as far as beards go.

Oh the math is definitely wrong, I just meant that the correctness of the math is irrelevant - either way, their influence made zero difference to Star Wars' finance or public image.

As a fan of the books, I had such a big dumb grin during the whole escape sequence. And the Roci looks *great.*

These breakdowns are all great, thanks! It's obvious to anyone that this show doesn't use stupid Hollywood physics, but it's really interesting to see these analyses of just how close to correct everything is on this show.

Mark Hamill lost 50 pounds apparently (which must've really been at least 60 to compensate for that beard).