
Jesus, even if their math is accurate, what a non-accomplishment. They kept 4 million dollars from a movie that will make a billion dollars *no matter what*(and in the process deprived themselves of seeing TFA which was a great movie). Their self-congratulatory tone is unquantifiably pathetic.

Seriously, that zero-G decapitation is worth an A on its own.

It was the zero g effect that resulted in them having to use a glue gun, if that helps?

In Holden's case it allowed his eight parents to own 22 acres of land, which is a huge farm in the 2300s.

I thought episode 4 was the best one yet. Having read the books, I was really happy with (no spoilers) how they pulled off a particular zero-gravity effect.

She chopped it up into pieces with the cleaver that Evil Ash attacked her with.

I liked this episode more than the first one, personally, but it's tough that it's such a short season.

I dunno, maybe it's all nostalgia but I still like Dumb & Dumber, The Mask, and The Truman Show.

I dunno, I think Jim Carrey's "ultimate shitty move" was becoming an anti-vaccination shill who doesn't make funny movies anymore.

Nicki Minaj is known for her juicy doppel.

Oh yeah he's an incredibly weird guy. I always find it odd when he talks about being an alcoholic and how he's been "clean and sober" for so long, yet he's clearly addicted to all kinds of deviant sexual shit.

Yeah, I understand that. It's just such a bizarre, aberrant thing to do consciously.

He was looking at a map of the world when he said "you were right there in front of me" to worm-Phil, so I got the impression that he had some idea of where he'd end up.

The Donnager reminded me of Star Wars Imperial Ship-meets-Mass Effect more than anything. Good thing in my estimation.

I had the big dumb grin in episode 4, too, especially when they revealed a certain, uh, passenger on the Donnager. Much better-looking than Prax's description in book 2 led me to believe!


Well, the cinematography isn't a thinly-veiled, sloppily constructed "9/11 was an inside job" narrative, so I personally hate the writing more.
The main thing I was worried about when Abrams got the Star Wars gig was that he was going to bring those hack frauds Orci and Kurtzman with him.

Jim Norton admitted to wetting his bed in his 40's once, just because he was feeling too lazy to get up to go to the bathroom.

I'm really excited for this show. The worldbuilding is really rich (so many details like the seawall around the Statue of Liberty, no windows on spaceships, the frailty of the Belters), everything looks great, and a lot of consideration seems to have gone into getting the physics more-or-less right.
My biggest…

There's like 4 hours of Patrice O'Neal talking with Gallagher on YouTube, it's really great.
"Gallagher… Are you a racist?"
"Why, what's that got to do with anything?"