
Such insightful and intelligent ‘journalism’, Ashley. Post a bunch of candid pictures (maybe he’s just exhausted from the campaign, election night, etc... you think??), ignore context and then create your own self-serving narrative that he’s miserable or whatever. Let me try.. look at this depressed and miserable

The real shame is the PC version of Dishonored 2.

they better have a One Piece crossover...

Oh for fucks sake, stop it with your bullshit recreational outrage. What I and most normal people see here is a display of pride in one’s team, not “cultural appropriation”. You’re the one slinging around racist terms such as “blackface” and “redface”, where this is clearly just a dude that is happy as a motherfucker

I cannot imagine how much rehearsal it took...

One Punch Man is kind of like a cross between Deadpool and Batman: The Brave and the Bold, but with more creativity insanity in the character designs. Main character is a schlemiel who can’t even get becoming a superhero right.

I have a VR headset, but I’m also intelligent to realize it is not real... that if someone “gropes” me in VR there is no actual touching going on. I don’t freak out because some rando has violated my VR entity. This is just incredibly stupid, eventually you won’t be allowed to say anything that might offend someone

Jesus Christ... I want everyone to take a step back... put your social warrior hat on the ground and realize how stupid this is... “someone inappropriately touched my virtual avatar and I don’t want that to happen. I mean, when you realize how absurd that statement is... and that programmers actually modded the game

“And Nero fiddled as Rome Burned” These are non issues compared to the real ones our societies face today. I mean seriously “Virtual groping”?! Stop huffing those chai lattes you hipsters and spend your energy on REAL issues.

“sexual harassment online in VR”

To be honest, I have no problem with a company not giving out review copies until the day before. there are many positives that can come of it and literally 0 negatives if we just wait with our dollars. If anything this way a review copy is going to be 100% like what the end game will be, so there’s no “well just wait

It’s a good thing he’s got pro-gaming going for him, since, like a lot of young people these days, he doesn’t know how to properly wear a ball cap, and looks like a retard.