
Nah, the adults listened to what they though was best. Hillary was garbage. All of us “Bernie Bros” told you hillarybots, she wasn’t going to do jack-shit, and what do you know? We were right. All of you Hillary supporters crying about us Bernie supporters should be crying about your historically shitty candidate. The

This right here, all century. You retards wanted to run Hillary, you got what was coming to you. Fight fire with fire. Populism with populism. She was never going to place anywhere but second, and all you morons tellng us Bernie supporters to shove it, have got what was coming to you, and all of us.

Nah, cd’s, dvd’s and bluray’s are manufactured to last about a century(100 years). It does behoove anyone interested in video games to help archive them somehow. We only have another 80 years until the first cd based games start to deteriorate.

Mei’s manicure is fucking adorable, and that is all that matters to me.

Until the moment, that women you don’t like looks at you funny.

U.S. laws only protect citizens. Non-citizens have no right to protest, and the Canadian government has done the same to U.S. citizens, sent them away. It may not be liked, but it’s perfectly legal, and normal, to deny entry to foreign protesters.

You’re a really bad troll. You have to get people emotionally invested with some psuedo-intellectual bullshit, before you knee cap them. Terrible.

You know that the Russians affected our social and political power through propaganda, because that’s all they can do. They aren’t in a position to make a “Putingrad”, and it shows in how they perform intelligence operations against the United States. Stop being a pussy.

See, you all make a big deal about Bowser having Peach’s picture as his wallpaper, but lets face facts. Mario is a short man, who regularly consumes mushrooms. What this tells me is that when he’s “rescuing” the princess from Bowser, what he is actually doing is kidnapping her during hardcore psychadelic freak outs

Exactly, Blackface or Brownface is a caricature of the persons ethnicity, for cheap laughs. This was not anything like that.

Mid january 1997 on my original Nintendo, which was over 10 years old by then. I took a full morning to beat him, started about 8A.M., got to Tyson around 11A.M. probably beat Tyson at about 2:P.M. Had to look at a site (I think Gamefaqs, 1997 Gamefaqs, hahaha)for some tips on his timing. After that, it only took like

The one with Michael Cera made me cry with laughter.

She was in the wrong for attacking him first, he was in the wrong for using disproportinate force to end the altercation. They’re both assholes, but he’s the bigger asshole for crushing her face.

Nah, it really isn’t. I didn’t ask why people were racist toward me for being biracial hispanic and white as a kid in the early 80's. I just noticed that I wasn’t liked or trusted by a lot from both sides as a child. All you have to do is open your eyes, and think. When I opened my eyes, I realized that the more

Open your eyes, and look.

Fuck yes, Address, state and all that. I love internet tough guys. I love em lots *wink*

Chronopolis. One of the best areas in any jrpg. Story was amazing, and everything circles back to Lavos, Schala, Balthazar, and Chronpolis. Was better.

Looks like that black sludge is some nano technology, or organic machinery. It infects humanoids, and also creates power, which is able to be utilized to animate the corpses of fallen soldiers. Awesome.

Chrono Cross was better. That was the second rpg to make me cry(First was FF VI, in the attempted suicide scene). No matter what you do, you have to let go in Chrono Cross. Shit was tight.

Only first world crackers buy houses? That’s news to me with my Puerto Rican family members owning property. Oh, and all the foreign Indian and Chinese people coming into Orlando, and buying up hundreds of millions of dollars of property, then jacking up the rent prices. Fuck you, asshole