Hey. Hey. How about Team No One for now?
Hey. Hey. How about Team No One for now?
I’ve NEVER understood that. Listen, I have a kid...and she was absolutely inconsolable and WORTHLESS from birth until at least 5 or so. I would’ve gladly skipped those years in which I had to do every single little thing for her. WHY DON’T PEOPLE APPRECIATE OLDER KIDS MORE?!?!?!
This seems to be so common. Conservatives bitch about how liberal CNN is, but I don’t know a single liberal who can stand CNN.
is it also part of their brand DNA to not understand the concept of free speech? the government is not censoring their shitty t-shirts. private actors can go ham about it all day every day. someone please let their PR genius in on the secret.
To steal from The Onion’s TV show, she’ll be tried as a black man.
To be fair, lots of companies are requiring slogans on T’s during the holidays. Like at Bloomingdale’s all the staff has to wear a shirt that says “Roofie my drink when I’m not looking”. It’s tongue in cheek.
Wow, just wow. A+ ignorance and intolerance there. Seriously...
Yeah, and a frightening percentage of
French MuslimsChristians, when polled, are cool withsuicide bombingsproxy bombings, abortion clinic bombings, bombing Iraqis with no connection to Saddam, much less al-Qaeda, I could go on all night.
Evidence of such poll? Because it sounds like BS.
“Like many young men, he got a little too curious about sexual assault. Please pray for our family as we continue to trust in God’s plan.”
Yep! And Ha, I actually hate funyuns, it’s a Master of None reference.
I did not wake up this morning thinking I would like Ariana Grande, yet here we are.
Carly Fiorina is horrendous, but it IS kind of fucked up that they were gossiping about her face. There are so many valid reasons to talk shit about her, why choose the superficial, tabloid-cover one that has nothing to do with how horrible a president she would be?
But if you don’t post every bit of your life to Instagram are you really living?
You know people used the same argument against trans people at one time.
I raise a glass full of the tears of my vanquished in your honor. If they aren’t worn down into a wee little nub of a human, I have failed miserably. A Votre Sainte.
I’ll be honest, marriage/proposals are one of those areas where I’m actually baffled by the usual feminist responses. When I get the advice that I, as the woman, should be the one to propose, it often feels like the feminist giving me that advice is somehow ignoring *all other areas* in which women are already…