
golly that was a load of shit article.


I work for myself and that bitch won’t let me stop for anything until the day’s work is done.

A writer I know who copped a lot of hate because her HUSBAND CHEATED ON HER (I know, so her fault, right?)told me once that if no-one hates on you online you aren’t doing your job.

I would get super uncomfortable if a man approached me and asked me out in a situation in which I was sober.

I wouldn’t be too concerned.

50% trying to look devout, 50% accentuating her waistline.

my livelihood depends on the publishing industry. I have read only women writers for the last 5 years because I am a woman writer and it is so much harder for us to get good publishing deals.

I was told it was a sign of an increased risk developmental disorders, but one of mine didn’t crawl, the other one sort of crabbed around sideways and neither of them seem overly disordered, the one who never crawled is autistic but she’s pretty functional.

it is better coming from a woman than a trolley guy.

I once saw a woman walking through a mall with her skirt firmly tucked into her sensible cotton panties and I raced after her and whispered in her ear then ran off like a ninja of good deeds because I felt so awkward about it.

bahahaha, babies are funny souls. my youngest used to grunt like a piglet when she nursed, and her eyebrows would go up and down. it was very funny.

My friend fed her newborn in her car and then carried him into a supermarket with a boob still wandering around unfettered.

I HATE it how everyone doesn’t have a period when they are breastfeeding, and I breastfed 1 for 7 months and 2 for 2 years and I got my period a month after pregnancy and every month after.

my older girl didn’t even sit up before she walked, it was like roll over, pull up, walk! she never even crawled.

oh the thought of that gives me so much anxiety.

My older daughter walked at 7 months and also refused the breast at that point so I gave up. But walking at 7 months terrified me - she had no idea where she was going and used to just walk into things. Damn no one appreciates how stressful it is to have a child that young walking!

I HAVE NEVER FIGURED OUT WHETHER its the flat screen tvs or the TV STATION BROADCASTS that make the sound here GO UP AND DOWN BUT IT DID NOT USED TO do that.

I am not being snarkey, I am genuinely concerned - has everyone on this thread who uses CC had their hearing checked?

it is possible both to believe in a swift and serious repercussion for sexually predatory behaviour AND to believe in welcoming refugees from different cultures into society.