
no, but the power imbalance would have been huge. one person had already been a stepfather for four years, owned his own house, had his own business and one person had never been on a date and was a virgin who didn’t even drive. Whatever he said would have carried so much more weight that what I said because he would

I cant do 3D movies either because they piss me right off. I don’t always see in 3d, so 3d movies are a bit too much.

I rarely swoon over men, but Ricky is just delicious .

She’s wondering how many of her things have gone into his butt.

agreed. they dont have to smile. they can do whatever they want.

it only works as an adult, and then you still have the weirdness of watching movies they loved as a kid and being like....... I have no idea what this is......

Really good point about Hollywood heartthrobs.

So true. Well my kids are being told by me ALL about this stuff, and my life aim is to have the sort of relationship that sets a good example, which is hard because when are relationships easy?

mine was so controlling. used to weigh me. used to offer me to his friends. I had NO idea this wasn’t normal as I had no life experience - I went to an all-girls school, was an only child and had a controlling family who never let me out of their sight. \

a schooner is a sailboat, dumbass

the poor girl. What a start to life.

the one in Mallrats was a schooner.

I have a lazy eye and I had to do them as therapy.

My husband and I have the same age gap as Kylie and Tyga but we met at 28 and 35.

I had boobs and menstruation by 11. And I was very interested in sex. luckily no adult took advantage of this.

Oh hugs to you! what a beautifully written piece.

If you want to address endemic racism in the entertainment industry, sea bed of that is the writers.

Well the first step is to support more diversity for writers who aren’t white to right about characters who aren’t white.

How do people who think motherhood is such a privilege explain away things like post partum depression?

Why can’t she just be saying that due to her feelings about her child her emotions regarding this triggering event are stronger than they were before being a mother?