
It's like vodka for your eyes.

I think the point is the kitchy greasy over the topness is the point.

hahaha yes that would be off putting. Lucky I never read that before I went.

as anyone can go to Reservoir and not go to Misty’s.

hugs back! thank you so much for being so warm.

oh that is so funny! I bet you have seem some classic things as a wedding photographer!

Thank you. I have been very blessed by having good teachers and friends who have been very good role models.

it too me most of my life to realise that was not normal family conversation.

Riding on the 86

I haven’t been afraid of him for years - he’s just there and if I ever see him I will ri his throat out with my teeth and get off with self-defence.

It IS hard to remember that the abuse stems from the abusers own hurt - I do try to think about that.

Wow, that is intense. Good on you for not leaving.

I am a Christian and I would say 75% of people who know that will say something about that. Especially here on Jezebel. I imagine it is different in the US because there is so much Christianity, but here I know so few Christians.

it has never even been furled.

I would totally do that. absolutely.

you had a stalker on Jezebel? wow. that’s really horrible. they should have banned him.

you wash them and they get dirty again. I figure there is a small window each day where they are clean.

Thank you, and to you too.

I am glad you have been ungrayed. Welcome to the inner sanctum, such that it is.

thanks for that book recommendation.