
I am not taking away from the grief of anyone with loss, I am simply saying that one should not compare grief because it tends to make the grief stricken upset-er, and I have seen people be very upset by comparing one form of grief to another.

It comes down to quite a personal morality probably - I would choose an evil person over a dog (I hope, but I would have to have a lot of self control if it were my dog) because I would believe that that person always has the ability to change and I would not want to prevent them having that chance.

really? that’s what you got about my post? I don’t have anything against doggy daycare and I have never said that the way I treat pets is better than any other. I was just interested in the topic. I just mentioned doggie daycare as something that people who have ‘furbabies’ seem to use.

don’t recall ever having knocked doggie daycare at all....... I don’t care how people treat their animals as long as its on the better side of humane.

so no sleeping in front of the fire for Mr Bull then?

Well you certainly come across as a lovely human and not deserving of too much angst or doubt.

possibly. I grew up in a family of narcissists who isolated me from all other family except the cousin who raped me and then sent me to a school where I got bullied and refused to let me leave for four years.

yep, if I waited for a man to make me feel protected and delicate.......

its the best sort of crazy.

aw you are sweet. I get 'exotic' a lot. not sure if I like that.....

holy fuck that’s priceless.

good for you for giving so much back, and urging others to do the same.

that actually made me laugh out loud.

totally agree

hahah he is so cute. My dog Depp gets the same hair cut, but hes a much bigger mixed breed.

I agree. They are carnivores. Cat people can be just as bad letting their cats wander all around killing birds too.

although your ire kind of makes me think of a rescue organisation that refused my friend a dog on the grounds that there were certain rooms in her house that her cat would be allowed in and her dog would not and that this was cruel to the dog.

If he went in any other time he’d be in there by himself - I live in Australia and half my house is an outdoor living area where we eat our meals, my home office is, the kids play and the dog has his bed. If its too hot or too cold we all (including the dog) go inside. Don’t worry about my dog’s welfare, he has great

I don’t see why if you don’t want a good sheep dog or something you don’t just get 2 dogs of whatever breed that are good sheep dogs and voila, sheep dog puppies! they don't have to be border collies or kelpies or whatever specifically.

Who said anything about not including pets in your family life or keeping them outside all the time?