
lol stick a knife under the lid and it will pop!

I don’t think most of my friends are 'animal people' to be honest. Those that are I kind of give a free pass to when they are insensitive because they are animal rescue people and they kind of live, breathe and eat animal rescue and do so much good despite being a bit bonkers.

Why not donate your money knowing that others wont? I donate 5 hours of my time each week to a cause I believe in, and considering I usually charge $50 an hour for my services I am really donating a value of $250 each week to something that most people don’t give to. Doesn’t mean that my donation is inconsequential

The devotion to purebred animals kind of reminds me of racism to a degree. That some life forms are better than others due to inherited traits rather than all being equal.

sorry 3/4

would you volunteer to be in the 1/4?

It’s a hard question because I do value an asshole trying to kick my dog over my dog because he is a dog, but instinct would say to protect the dog because “I” value the dog more. For me. Because I am attached.

I am a bit over six foot, but very much the same build as Brienne of Tarth, who I think is made to look a bit bigger than the actress really is. I am muscly without ever working out and I carry fat on my butt and thighs.

What a bastard, I hope you kicked him. I whipped a man across the face with a whip once for whipping his horse. I was like 10. I made him bleed and got in quite a bit of trouble for assaulting someone, but I would do it again. Cruelty to animals is disgusting.

good post!

9 inches. Off the charts for men or women. Makes sense because my feet, head and hands are all so hard to buy shoes, hats and gloves for.

My point was more that people in mourning aren’t going to probably appreciate being compared to someone grieving a pet rather than that pet loss is less real and painful.

I have vile family, but I would still choose them over my lovely dog because I would feel ....wrong... in choosing an animal.

yes, people really say that.

I don’t think you can buzzkill an open conversation that the OP has nothing invested in.

Oh wow ouch! I have the opposite problem - bracelets and watches are always way too small. Luckily I am an earrings gal. I hope your wrist is healing ok!

I don’t really like men very much as a group and people have them all over the place, misbehaving and carrying on.

I wasn’t jabbing at doggy daycare at all, I have nothing against people who are do anything with their pets as long as it is kind and humane, its just not how I am.

Im so sorry for your double loss, I wasn’t trying to say that losing an animal was not very painful, just that people should not have conversations with grieving friends and compare the two.

I don’t think you are allowed dogs in apartments in Australia. Most of the body corporate rules that I have seen specify no pets.