
It is such a deficit to not have ‘grandparents’ when you have small children. I was disowned (ie my abusive scapegoating parents finally decided that I was too much of a disappointment to continue to bother with) and it makes a big difference.


She is so at ease with men. There is zero sexual tension between her and any male, even if she is snuggling or playing around with them - she seems free of being affected by their attention. None of the others even look twice if she is hugging their SO’s. Because they know that there is no threat, which means she can

ok I just watched the episode and when Kris was saying please be considerate of Kylie because you have all brought boys on holidays at some time’ Kendal’s face was raw with the pain of someone who is forced into the closet.

Lol I don’t think she is Cara - I think Cara was a fwb who helped Kendall sort her shit.

Kendall is rightly upset because she can never have her ‘side piece’ there because she is a lesbian and Kris has not yet approved her coming out.

you create, I eat!

I’m a 6 foot, big, annoying, somewhat pretty loud person with funny hair and giant feet and I have had a ton of romances and bruised a ton of hearts because I’m a real person who exists and people get attracted to at times.

*scuffles toe in the dirt*

I disagree with anything ever being too loud, but I agree with the rest.

Can anyone join?

I agree. One can definitely be educated without 'education'.

Oh goodness no. I never realised until I became a mother and met other mothers who didn’t necessarily go to university or ever really leave their home town, how conservative some aussies are! everything from complaining about what other women wear to being horrified about sex - they would start to speak to me about

I do say that sort of thing sometimes, but I am physically imposing and look dead behind the eyes so I get away with it.

We have some bizarrely conservative people here too.

I hope the maid was ok after awhile. that would be so traumatising.

I would just stand on my quilt screaming and giving birth.

I had never even thought of that aspect. Oh wow, it would be like a crime scene.

That was my WORST nightmare when I was pregnant. Not being in hospital when I had the babies. I know that people WANT to have babies at home, and all power to them, but the LAST thing I would want would be some clumsy disabled woman (me) delivering an actual baby.

I started buying it because I am ppro union and now I am hooked....