
I was raised in a family where my father would knock me to the ground to get to the radio and switch off a song that he didn’t like in case it gave me the ‘wrong message’.

I am Australian and I have never seen this yoghurt, but I love Noosa as a holiday destination - albeit a beachy one with no apparent milk producing animals....... I like Farmer’s Union yoghurt. Can’t beat it.

I eat natural Greek yoghurt on everything and I look ten years younger than my friends*. My kids eat it and one of them shows definite academic promise.

I can’t have any more babies either!

They all know she is a lesbian so none of them are threatened by her being physical with men.

Kendall doesn’t like the men.

There is actually a lot of shame involved when you are a woman with shit domestic skills. I know, I cant cook, my cleaning is both awkward and terrible (I grew up in a hoarding house and was not able to clean) and as far as the ‘feminine touch’ of decorating and making a house a home - fahgeddit. It removes me from a

really? Oh wow, I’d be giving her pies and inviting her for Christmas. Wouldn’t want to live in your neighbourhood.

I’m trying! Not that I don’t expect not to fuck my kids up a little, but I want them to at least have some happy childhood memories to draw on rather than everything being upsetting and rage filled.

I’m so sorry for your loss. I have often wondered whether it was better to have loved and lost a good parent or never had one to begin with and the answer I have come up with is that they are both excruciating and not to be compared.

This whole article frustrates me. I NEVER wanted to break away from my parents and ALWAYS wanted to talk to them daily when I moved out of home despite the fact that they were narcissistic abusers (which is see with the clarity of hindsight) and THEY disowned ME and now I don’t have them and they don’t care and I do.

At six months old she wont be all ‘where’s mom and dad and why am I here?’ - she’ll just be hungry and tired and want to play and want someone to hold her. Babies recognise their parents but I know with mine, at six months they just saw everyone who held them as a potential breastfeeder.

My cousin was a murderer. My whole family abandoned him and I did not even find out he was my cousin til after he had died. Once I found out, any time that I did something ‘incorrect’ I was suddenly 'showing the bad blood'.

yeah.... I don’t like either of these people...

I used to shove sophie in my pram but to be honest no-one cared about her but me.

I call bs on most baby crap. and toddler crap for that matter. my 2 year old likes a set of paper dolls, 1 of her books and a bowl filled with water with a plastic tea pot and cup and that there is 90% of her play.

Shut up. my kid’s name is Grayson Mackartnai Preston.

.......but the wedding video was really voyeuristic. All those creepy close ups.....

they usually come in sentences and both catastrophize and infantilise reasonably regular childhood behaviour.

Ok, I watched this on Foxtel in Australia and the first scene was cut. The condom scene - not there. WTF? do we, as Australians, not deserve mother daughter condom conversations? must our cucumbers remain forever unsheathed?