
It was definitely the whole school that adhered to the ‘no evolution’ rule. I don’t know who's idea it was.

many hugs

thank you. I am ok though. I managed to get through school and then university so I turned out fine.

No, I don’t have a relationship with my father, although I sometimes text with my mother. They ended it, not me. They decided I was no longer worthy of their time.

close. But a from a non-religious family who did not believe in education.

In order to gain some reality into my mother’s statement, they do not make adult clothing small enough to fit her, and everyone who s bigger than her - 99.9% of adult women- is fat to her.

International dateline. Losing days. Gaining days. Wednesday in Australia is Tuesday in the US. Globe.*

the international dateline makes things weird.

I don’t know for sure. He was so upset with my autism diagnosis that he decided it was too painful to see me throw away one chance of happiness after another. (I am very happy, I have a nice family, my own business and I like my hobbies)

He is a bit like that. he once told me that having had a boyfriend and broken up with him meant that no man would ever want to date me again.

he is small and loud and hates everything, so maybe?

the best part was that I was pregnant so, part fat part pregnant? lucky I'm not remotely sensitive..

2. My mother was on the phone telling someone how shocking and disgusting it is to go down to the supermarket and have to shop with fat people, and how gross it is to see them shoving food into their faces in public. “All fat people do is eat and eat, its just so immoral.”

At 21. My father.


How does a cis gendered woman ‘be feminine’ if one is not feminine, Dame Shirley.

Why can’t they have a movie where the women concentrate on being funny and independent, by chance meet appropriate partners for whom they do not have to change, and then consider whether slotting them into their already fulfilling lives is something that they can consider doing at that point?

I banged most of the adult population in the noughties and got zero diseases. It wasn’t by chance. I didn’t dodge any bullets. I used condoms.

I think that many of the dads who act like this are less successful than they thought they should be, and so they gain power by being the family boss to make themselves feel less like losers.

I put to her that she IS a ‘racialist’.