
Queer. What happened to the Intersex I at the end?

preach. I used to put lemon juice on my face. once it got in my eye. damn.

I grew up in a family where I was my father’s property until I got married, and then my family expected me to be my husband’s property, and hated him for not being ‘strict enough’ with me.

I have even had people say to me on Facebook ( I have a very open door facebook policy, I don’t block or ban or expect it to be any sort of ‘safe space’) that I shouldn’t speak the way I do because I am married.

I am from VIC, so it might be a locality thing. potato scallop, potato cake and all.

there is such a moment, when you are captive, that you have run through every possibility in your head and come to the conclusion that you are inevitably going to die, and you just need to avoid it as long as possible. Not because you dare to think something better will occur, but because you are used to living and it

I have always got them for my kids. I didn’t know they were remarkable. Melbourne, coffee capital of the world!

I know I am making this about me, but it might be about other people too:

steamer= turd? really? which state are you from?

I think its the novelty. I have been to one aussie starbucks and it was SO expensive. I didn’t even have a coffee, I had a icy frappe chilly vannilly thing and it cost like $8 or something.

well it is noice. its different.

I actually nearly went to a starbucks in Melbourne the other day and there were no seats. I reckon its one of those things where NOW they are fashionable because they are rare.

I love your user name. I guess you got it at fountain gate.

that's a macciato or a piccolo

We have had them in Australia for 15 years at least.

I am glad you survived that horrible experience. love to you.

We give compliments without superlatives.

Im glad we give you momentum.

That’s just bizarre.

If I could afford to eat in restaurants I would do so frequently alone, because then I could read in peace and not have to keep paying attention to other family members for half an hour. So Team Ryan Gosling.