
Oh keep hanging on! We are debt free, thankfully but in the course of two kids and me having an 18months serious illness, we lost our house completely. Goneski. All money goneski.

goodness you don’t know my town.

Yeah, my kids watch tv, play with toys, fight with each other and eat hundreds of pounds of fruit.

Good luck changing opinions on the internet.

I’m not interested though - I’m not sick and if I was I would just go to the doctor.

but the thing is - would you feel better having to deal with them? I’m in much the same boat, I work so I don’t have time to always be around, and I can imagine that my kids miss out on playdates too - but aren’t playdates an inherently middle class affectation anyway? This is the guilt I am talking about. You work.

I don’t know why. Its generally a waste of time. they just keep banging the same drums over and over and over.....

But everything you say is ‘random small sample anonymous comment reading’, really, and carries no more weight than anyone else.

That is a noble cause. All the best with that.

In my never humble opinion, the middle class, of which I am one by profession, but because I don’t do wealth I am vastly NOT by lifestyle, are very concerned with Getting Ahead. Very competitive. A lot of Fomo. Much anxiety. A modicum of guilt. A touch of keeping u with the Joneses. and it doesn’t do the kids any

You can just dismiss it. Don’t justify anything and giggle at the clone moms. Its so much more fun.

bloody lucky, because so many do.

if the home is being used commercially it would usually need different insurance.

As a longterm unrich person who loves her fellow humans a bit too much, I would LOVE to have my house on airbnb but public liability is public liability. No matter what, if someone hurts themselves falling over my dog or whatever, I can be sued and that would be the end of me.

dude, no! that's awful!

I'm getting a lot of shit for this comment, so its nice to have a dr agree with me!

I really don’t know if this is true, but more and more jezzie s are agreeing so.....

I feel like I should know you because you are taking so much time with this - can we get to know each other - I like your name a lot. What do you do

Oh goodness that would get us to the next corner. But you are sweet to try.

You are making a lot of comments on this! wow!