
You are overly concerned about naturopathy.

I dunno there have been doctors on the thread agreeing.

That's very interesting.

I was being sardonic. I would never scream at someone about their weight.

It was a social conversation, I couldn’t afford a naturopath!

others all seem a but nutty. I just don’t think we had the technology, and you guys wanted to win the space race. I say this very non-judgementally. I pretended I wasn't a virgin at school to seem more advanced than I was. same thing.

I thought I was the only one for years. The

I don’t disbelieve in anything. in my life I have seen and heard too many weird things to disbelieve in any branch of anything.

I like the underdog, and tweens and teens who need homes are the underdog, as far as I am concerned. they need guidance as they become adults, and then as adults to deal with work and university and then they need grandparents for their kids etc.

Of course there’s nothing awful in that. I just don’t think i’m up for a parenting marathon that goes THAT long.

AFTER 33??????????

I feel we should send her a drink. or four.

yeah, i’m done with kids and do I want more in 10 years? or even closer to 20 years because my grandmother had a child at 52.

yeah, but you can be wrong about one thing and still right about others. I dunno much about naturopathy, this was a social conversation.

see, now we agree on something.

When we aren’t drooling. You cant do both at once - well you can but its tricky.

a naturopath told me this once. I don’t know if its true or not, but it makes sense.

That’s more thought that I put into it, I just like yelling things at people, but you do you.

Apparently just before menopause the body goes ‘fuck it’ and releases all the remaining eggs. So you can get a period of super fertility. "Last chance girls!"