
I am not a preacher, and if I was, maybe I would talk about my faith differently. As it is I am speaking on a secular platform and relating to a non-religious group of people and I am not trying to do anything but talk about my religion from a humanist point of view. I am not quoting Bible verses or trying to convert

Well that’s why there are so many factions in every religion.

Well I don’t know what’s true or isn’t true - but I believe you can build a church and it becomes a house of God, despite being built by man, and its the same with religion.

Well this is the internet, I could very well be a plugged in robot example of Stockholm Syndrome as a monarch for my illuminati masters or something, I suppose.

If the peace I feel, and the community that I share with like minded humanitarian Christians is a result of stupidity, then intelligence is a curse and I hope I am never as struck by it as someone who takes the words of a gentle man and turns them into weapons against others.

Jesus was a (gasp) middle eastern revolutionary.

I think Jesus' words are quite clear though.

oh. thank you. I am very flattered.

I believe that God created us and we created a belief system to understand God and called it Religion/s.

I think they are a bit different in Australia - also this was over 20 years ago

Yes, by myself and at church and school.

thank you I will

That ^^ right there is lovely. I feel that way about atheists and other theists. Religion isn’t a bandaid solution, and its not a get out of jail free chard.

the only people who need to worry about whether or not someone will leave them if they don’t ‘fix’ something about themselves are people who really don’t like themselves, and those people aren’t ever going to have a good relationship anyway.

I would not be with a partner of any gender who saw sexual activity as mandatory to a satisfactory relationship.

A relationship with someone who thought like that would never get off the ground with me, so its irrelevant.

There are good philosophies and life-rules but, gee golly gosh all that incest and angel raping?

If that is what he based our relationship on he could have a lovely time wining about my bad attitude to his new girlfriend, while I paid for him to live in the style to which he has become accustomed.

I always thought it would be nice to live somewhere where being Christian was the norm, but I dunno.....

I find it easy to sense someone fucking me when I don’t want to be fucked.