
we did an elective subject about other religions, which I did because as one of two protestant kids in my class, I was seen as a member of ‘other religions’.

Socialist brown Jesus loves agnostics!

there is a huge variation in Catholic institutions. I loved my school but they were a bit weird at times.

Catholic stance on evolution is that its not incompatible with creationism, but its up to the individual institution.

He’s a lapsed Catholic, which seems to be much like being a Very Naughty Boy.

Its not really something that is focussed on in our news - (complete side point, what other country a takes from country b’s news is often NOTHING that is all that relevant to country b, because the mainstream media is nothing but government propaganda designed to keep us needlessly afraid) and we don’t get a lot of

Well humans created religion, so it is going to be reasonably self-serving.

Is that a common thing, not believing in evolution? I went to a Christian school and we were taught evolution, and then a Catholic school and we were told it was not true but to learn it anyway for good marks. I think it might be an American thing, because the only person I have ever met who genuinely does not believe

No! I have spoken to representatives of a church I trust in a different state to me, and been sent a recommendation to a church 50kms from where I live, which is very active in supporting humanitarian goals, queer friendly etc. I have yet to go, though.

I kind of agree with you but I lived in a Moslem family as a teen and they were way more Christian than these people.

You know I have such a TINY percentage of Christian friends that I pretty much have none? I support my family, I am sex positive, I am pro choice, I am queer, I am outspoken and I volunteer for ‘lefty’ organisations. The only person who I comfortably feel would support my lifestyle is actual Jesus.

I think they can’t evolve. Like all fundamentalists - they can’t take a decent and quite universal philosophy and apply it to modern life.

It is like when people are mega rich first and Christians second, or racist and Christian, or ‘I kicked my gay kid out’ and Christian.

As a life long Christian woman this whole concept baffles me.


So did me and husband and we have been together 7 or 8 years or something and only really had one fight.

This is why I can never wish to be rich: because these mega rich people are owned by their stuff. Her stuff MADE her put a mall in her basement. Her stuff MADE her put in all fancy lighting.

That was the most informative comment on this thread - thank you for that!

What would be REALLY shocking would be if the baby came out looking like Robert Plant.

But can I make it 'Sexy Captain Psycho'?