
Thank you.

It isn’t about the definition of the word, its about Jewish people having an authority on what is anti-Semitism, and Jewish people being offended by flippant use of the word.

There is a lot more to Nazism that is despicable beyond murdering Jews - persecution of black Germans, the Polish, Roma and people with disabilities, gay people and vivisection.

I have a giant head. I cant wear hats because I have big hair :(

Everything is big - hands, feet, head, all average man size. But I’m not lanky or anything, I'm curvy and muscly. Just like a short person but scaled up.

Regardless of the track record of Christians, comparing anyone to Nazis is still anti-Semitism.

I'll pass that on to my family who fled Germany to avoid being killed.

Godwins Law begs to differ.

Comparing Nazism to things that aren’t Nazism? Even far right non Jesus following “Christians” aren’t the equivalent of the Nazi party.

Oh that must be hard. I am so happy that my kids between them have one count of lactose intolerance and that’s it, and pretty easy to deal with. Props to you for dealing with big food issues :)

Its a pity all our problems cant be solved by throwing water, isn’t it? :)

I’m so sorry that happened to you, and so glad you lived to tell the tale of it. My parents exorcised me as a 20 year old because they thought my autism was a demon. They aren’t actually religious, but they held me down and threw water on me anyway.


I thought ‘how does Yoko know I am about to get my period?”.

I think I am around the same as you, I wish we could shop together and stack all the little people who insist that we don’t have problems with clothing on shelves. Stack them all and they can make their little people whiney faces together.

bahahaha! so true!

Doesn't really apply as I'm not white.

I'm poor, and if I payed for a breakfast and it was cold in parts I'd send it back too, because you never know when you can pay for another breakfast - better enjoy this one!

I am not quite as tall as you, but I feel your angst, I really do.

I am going to check them out the very next time I have money.