
The freeness of breastfeeding is what won me over to do it at all.

As an autistic person with an autistic child its not rocket science.

As someone who enjoys watching washing machines, I see no reason for this kid not to have a bright future.

DiMaggio and Monroe’s relationship was abusive and co-dependent to say the least.

bahaha! I don’t have the patience to breastfeed, although I persevered for at least 7 months with the first one and 23 months for the second because at that stage I was somewhat beaten down by babies and she wouldn’t shut up unless I did it -Totally The Wrong Attitude, apparently. You Are Meant to Love It.

Its like society wants men to be parents - but whoa, guys, dudes, NOT SO FAST you aren’t actually THE parent.

Its offline too - loads of people have suggested that I am an Incompetent Mother and my husband is Destined to Fail/A Deadbeat Financial Weight.

I thought that was only the ice creams you get after vaccination?

oh me too! people actually suggested that we get a nanny so that I don’t have to worry about my kids.... what am I meant to be worrying about?

people take their kids to buffets and DONT LET THEM EAT DESSERT AND NOT FOR ALLERGIC REASONS.

you don’t have to be in them. You can be like me and dress your kids in second hand clothes and look blankly at people who use Mommy words at you.

I don’t go in parenting groups because I upset people for having the following views:

I am the autistic unvaccinated child of parents who now believe that autism must be contagious and that I caught it when they stopped homeschooling me and sent me to school where I became ‘worldy’.

Do you know how many people tell me that they won't vax because of autism? its the only time I come 'out' pretty much - "So you would rather your child died than end up like me?"

why was a civilian wandering around in Broadmoor to begin with???

I was actually uncomfortable with Cosby, but I don’t really say that much because people think its just retrospect. But I never liked him.

he used to boast about it and steal their eyes. bodies of adults, children and his mother....

I never saw that, but I had seen him in old clips of Top of the Pops and was confused by his hair. I have heard a lot of people say he creeped them out, I guess self preserving instincts at work there! Louis Theroux said he was creepy.

I would say ‘go read it’, but its awful to read.

He was raping drugged kids and adults in hospital though - he just wasn’t administering said drugs himself. And he was friends with Pete Sutcliffe.