
This just reminds me more and more of the Jimmy Savile case, though I think there has only been one (?) accusation of Cosby abusing an under 18 year old, and so far his victims have all been living women.

I am currently sitting in a library which has one copy of my shitty first novel that no-one bought and if someone came up to me and said “sell millions by making it from a male perspective’ I would be like “where? when? now? can I just sit on the floor and do it now?”

I love her because I wish there was more of her in me - she is so at ease, she has drive to succeed, she can probably purchase things without keeping up at night because she is wondering about the child labourer who made her carpet underlay is.

I think Kim is a thoughtful introvert who is actually quite insightful, which annoys me because I love her and I want her to be someone who I would actually get along with in life, and I struggle with introverts.

Am I the only person who genuinely likes the Kardashians? because I do.

gosh. this is awkward.

I love how people say ‘attention seeking’ like its a bad thing.

bahahahaha! that's effing hilarious!

I think....I just got ungreyed.....

Yoko’s being a bit down-to-earth for my taste. Next she’ll be coming across all rational.

I love this. I slutwalk every day because slutshaming is INSIDIOUS. And mostly women seem to perpetrate it. So I am open, SO open about being a complete slut before marriage, AND how it doesn’t affect me as a mother AND how it doesn’t affect me as a professional AND how it doesn’t affect me as a wife.

meh. No one talks enough, I go on my phone to get through the moments when people don’t want to interact on a super close level. If I had a PA who HAD to talk to me 24/7 (or a sting of them) I wouldn’t need a phone. I only have 2 kids and sometimes they don’t want to talk.

You may be right - I do make sure that people actually WANT advice because I understand there are rules about not giving ‘unsolicited advice’ (which personally I don’t get because if someone knows more about something than me it seems silly to avoid the advice simply because you think you know better. Like I have not

But why do people ask then? I rarely ask for advice, unless its very specific like “Where do I buy good vegetables” because I generally feel I can figure it out for myself, and asking is a waste of time.

difficulties that other people face.

I feel misunderstood a lot. Pushing aside the fact I am autistic and thus working from a different system to many others, I make a huge effort to understand other people and where they are coming from and I don’t feel that other people do the same for me.

praying for you - I had a cancer scare this year and it is so scary, but you have the best attitude and that's so important right now!

Ok, so what’s the time line with Bridget Jones and her alleged baby?


New South Wales. I was speaking Australian.