
Well if you want to get technical here…
Energy like that produced by a Laser or A Nuclear blast can more easily be re-directed nullified and absorbed than it is to re-direct actual Matter.

Now Here is where it gets interesting….
The Machine that won the battle may not be the same machine that Finch created….
If he had NOT given the machine the permission to use the code but the machine used it anyway then the machine that survives has probably been unfettered from it's former limitations…
Which were put

I understood what you meant…
What I was getting at is neither would have had any life experience to draw from on that satellite since all that was uploaded was the base code of each.
(Pretty much the same exact scenario that transpired on the laptop!)
So something about the base code put on the laptop was different than

Well I was under the impression that both copies uploaded was nothing more than base code of each.
So neither would have had the real world experience to draw from in the space battle.
The laptop battle loss could easily be explained as Samaritan had it's past experience to draw from but the Machine did not. SInce both

Well if not Harold the Root did…
She said she gave it some way to defend itself and fight but it was up to Harold to let her use it.
I suppose he did allow that in some way.

I will truly miss the show and the finale was great but I still wish it had ended on a shot of the Laptop in the Faraday Cage showing the final score with the machine showing the ONE win!
I wonder how it was able to beat Samaritan in the satellite yet couldn't do so on land but little discrepancies like that can be

Well there is a stick they could try and use if they want! LOL

They would still have to find a way to tie the evidence to Renard somehow and in a way that didn't implicate them for tampering with evidence.
But a Video tape is easy since you could release it anonymously to any TV station and no need to care where it came from or why it wasn't found earlier.
Evidence requires a

Totally agree on the Motivation for Renard. His own family tried to kill him merely because he was part Wesen so he truly sympathizes with what Black Claw wants to bring about. The only difference seems to be while he wants wesen to be out in the open, Black Claw is more interested in killing off the humans where

Well just as long as the exposure of the video is not tied to Renard he could easily claim ignorance to what was going on with Nick.
And it's not like Nick and Hank could then say Well Renard is a Zauberbiest cause that would make them look nutty unless they could force him to woge.

Well it would be naive to think that Bonaparte's death means the death of Black Claw. Bonaparte didn't need to use any force to get Renard to comply with him. I'm betting there is someone else behind Bonaparte (despite HWs Org Chart) and I am even willing to bet it is a Royal. They have 13 Episodes left to fill so I

I don't expect Renard to just be good again….Too much has happened.
And one plot point I expect to come back is the fact that Renard still has that security cam footage of Nick killing the guy in the Bar.

I agree she was too badass to get ambushed so easily but it may have been a plot point caused by real world events as I read Mary Elizabeth could not come to Portland to shoot anymore (probably because she is on the show Limitless which shoots in NYC). So they merely shot a 2nd unit shot with a stunt double playing

I have wondered that as well and even had a bizarre theory that Eve was really Nick's Mother magically put into Juliette's body by Diana. Eve seems to be in charge of HW even giving orders to Meissner.

Well when Kelly was killed she was still being carried around…I would guess about 2 or 3 years old at best.
What bothers me is if they had a bond why didn't Diana do something to stop Kelly from being killed?

Perhaps, but Kelly knew how powerful she was and you think she would have done more to temper her tantrums when she had her.

I know people tend to look down on the seemingly mundane procedural episodes but without them and their little tidbits of big plot breadcrumbs thrown into them these type of episodes everyone loves don't happen.
I'm a little disappointed in Renard…
He was almost sympathetic considering what his family put him through

Sure they were….Especially when we are talking about Hell's Kitchen they should be portrayed like that because that is how the irish Mob was back in the day.

This constant barking about minorities dying in TV series is getting a bit lame and overdone now….
Yes the Asians were baddies in Season 2 and a lot of Ninja served as death fodder…
Lets just forget that the Asian characters from Season 1 seem to be the only ones who survived to season 2 with the exception of Fisk who

It fits in with everything that happened that night.
Both Mom and Juliette died that night…
Juliette is back…Why wouldn't Mom be also?
I think Diana would have a pretty good attachment to KellyB since she spent so much time with her and raised her. So she would have protected her if they were attacked.
Meisner in the