
His scientific contemporaries did not consider him a kook. Perhaps his elementary teachers thought he had learning disabilities, but his professors and his colleagues didn’t. Most of what you hear about Einstein today is exaggerated or apocryphal. Additionally, Einstein didn’t produce relativity or the photoelectric

They need to publish their results along with detailed schematics of their experiment in order to be taken seriously.

Not true. Einstein published in peer reviewed journals and was working on a problem that many many people were. He was a well respected scientists. Remember, he won the Nobel prize for his work on the photoelectric effect which was confirmed in 1914. His work on relativity wasn’t published until 1915. Scientists, for

No it isn’t. Science is mostly driven forward with small incremental changes. However, breakthroughs aren’t necessarily from someone who is considered crazy. Einstein was a classically trained physicist and he was not considered crazy. He published in a peer reviewed journal after all.

I am not sure where you get that the ultimate principle of science is observation, not explanation. The ultimate principle of science is to explain observations with theories. If we just sat around observing and not explaining we wouldn’t get anywhere.

Also, we know a little bit more about the conservation of momentum

That is fine. You are entitled to your wrong opinion.

It keeps happening because the prequels were terrible.

Yeah they are not even close to comparable to miniatures from Reaper or Otherworld. I enjoy painting miniatures but these just aren’t good enough yet. Hopefully that changes one day.

I have not been impressed so far with 3D printed miniatures. They all look horrible once they are printed imho. Some larger sculpts turn out okay (I printed the Kraken from your link).

IRL, white people had been trading with dark skin people long before medieval times. Also, in the show the darker skinned people come from over the sea.

If she falls hard on potential GOP candidates that Fox doesn’t support or that do not have a chance at winning she helps Fox project itself as a fair and balanced perspective. This thing that she does, when she lets through what seems to be a glimmer of reason, is calculated.

I don’t think rating how shitty an airport is has anything to do with how it has contributed to economic growth in the city. It is all about layout, customer service, people traffic, security, delays, how easy they are to reach

Dulles is a shitty experience though. Every time I go there it sucks. One of my worst airport experiences was at Dulles. I live in MD and I am forced to fly out of it regularly when I can’t catch a flight from DCA.

Just get a gaggle of fat guys in your bug out group. Since you can run faster, they make good distraction bait while you are fleeing from undead hordes. If you are a fat guy, just get fatter guys.

Gasoline has a short shelf life though.

Gasoline has a pretty short shelf life.

Is your life a sitcom? Also, did you wear disguises?

I thought much of the same. I have nothing against poly people but Riceberry would make a terrible spokesperson. She seems like an emotional train wreck who needs other intimate relationships to deal with her own psychological issues.

Came here to say the same thing. Now I don't have to.

My list for a cheaper setup for the basics would be a ULA CDT pack, a Equinox Globe Skimmer ultralight tarp, MSR Titan Kettle, alcohol stove (I use whitebox), and a Jacks'R'Better quilt (for summer I use Shenandoah but I need a 20F rated quilt so I am shopping around), a sheet of Tyvek cloth for a ground cloth, and a