
Different kind of scary. Without time to process what is running you down you can't really absorb the horror of what it is and what it represents. Replace fast moving zombie with a tiger, raptor, alien, ghost, or a serial killer and the effect is similar. With a slow moving zombie you are forced to absorb how

I don't know man. I am pretty sure that the zombie apocalypse happened in DC years ago but the zombies just kept driving to work like normal and the rest of us didn't notice. If you don't believe just observe how bad the driving is.

*that is 2.4 million per year. About 7k per day. LOL. Typo.

1. False. In both the Romero series and the WD series if you die you become a zombie. The bite merely kills you to rush the process. 7000 people die in the US every day. That means 7000 people will become zombies in just 1 day even if nothing out of the ordinary is happening. A bite means death. A death means

Noise attracts more zombies. It is a feedback problem.

I said in the Walking Dead but even in the Romero movies if you die you will become a zombie even if you aren't bitten. Biting just kills you.

I don't think it is just the pathogen. Zombies are uncanny. They are dead corpses, possibly loved ones, who want to cannibalize you. When we see them we are overwhelmed with thoughts about our own mortality, grief, shock, disgust...when they move slow we are given more time to soak this all up. I think slow

slow zombies are uncanny. Uncanny is a different kind of scary. It allows us to take in the horror of what we are seeing - the corpses of our loved ones hungrily approaching us with the desire to cannibalize us. If you woke up in the dead of night and saw a corpse approaching you, you would shit yourself.

In the Walking Dead and the classic Romero zombie, the infection is airborne. Everyone has already been infected. The infection does not kill you. It only reanimates your corpse once you've died. If you get hit by a truck but your brain is okay, you become a zombie. Die from food poisoning - zombie. If a zombie

There are nearly 500,000 people in Atlanta (5 million in the metro area). Additionally, it was implied that in the beginning there was a total state of confusion as to what exactly was happening. Also, living humans who were bit, or scared, or were being pushed into forced quarantine probably resisted.

That is why Walking Dead has everyone already infected. The bites just kill you.

I did the same thing! I was walking down the stairwell in my apartment building and I attempted to pull out my phone and did a herp-a-derp juggle number with it that would have been funny with yakety sax music until it dived to my right and fell face down on the level below.

I am pretty sure that sonoluminescence is now understood to be a chemical reaction because of the temperatures produced. So while the details are still muddy, I believe it has become well accepted that the temperatures aren't hot enough for fusion.

I hated the love triangle. I get wanting to create a strong female character because the source material doesn't have any, but to stick her in the middle of a love triangle sort of defeats the purpose. Additionally, it does nothing for the plot except to force us to empathize with her when Kili dies. It would have

No wonder my sorority pledge keeps getting rejected - I thought it was because I am male. Also, this email taught me that you are supposed to wear spanx under your clothes. Here I was showing up during rush week wearing them as an outfit.

That is not the original. That is a different truck.

D&D doesn't have any math beyond basic addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. A third grader could play it. What makes some editions of D&D complex (like 3E) isn't the arithmetic, but the endless situational modifiers that have to be recalled to modify dice rolls (do I subtract 2 or 3 when this

I have played 3E/3.5E/Pathfinder for 14 years (and 2E before that). I was sick of 3.5E when 4E came out but continued to play Pathfinder because I really disliked 4E. To me, 5E is what 4E should have been - it is what I wanted.

April as Data
Donna as Worf
Jerry as Barclay
Councilman Jamm as Q
Andy as Geordi
Chris as Miles
Ben as Wesley
Tom as Alexander son of Worf