
The last sentence is key. Who wants a cup of CO2? Got to let those beans degas.

How would this even work? I roast beans at home and after roasting them you are supposed to let them sit for 12 hours. I usually just roast a batch for the next day. Fresh roasted beans reach their peak flavor 24 hours after roasting. The rest period allows for degassing of CO2.

But there are a thousand ways to deal with continuity. He could be a spy, maybe the Empire doesn't strictly use clones after the defeat of the Jedi, etc... Things happen off camera.

So they are bringing in cars from the 50s to film the Wayne's death scene? If Bruce was around 10 when his parents were murdered, and if the time of the murder was around 1960, then Bruce is about 64 if them film takes place in 2014ish?

Well perhaps. However, if both halves of the party trigger a combat encounter meant for a full party it isn't going to end well when the healer is with one group and the meat shield is with the other.

My rule of thumb is if the total flight time is equal or less than the drive time, I fly. By flight time I mean the entire airport experience. I fly quite a bit for work and I like to use the time to work or go over presentations.

I meant Reagan national so yes DCA. I also fly out of Dulles - which is hell.

Physicist/Oil Tycoon.

She wasn't throwing up. She felt queezy and asked for a club soda.

Yeah but that is pretty much the max if everything is crap. Google maps says 4.5 hours to drive. But with DC traffic and probably traffic in between, bathroom breaks, you are looking at 5-6 hours unless you speed. Also, you have to find a place to park your car and pay the absurd prices to park your car. Most

I would add 1 hour to 8 million hours to your drive time due to DC traffic. It will take you longer than 4 hours unless you are speeding and only going to the very edge of DC. Google maps says 4.5 hours (5-6 is more realistic). I fly out of DC frequently and I only arrive 1 hour early for domestic. Additionally,

Reagan International in DC or Dulles in DC - neither small. With online check in and baggage kiosks there is really no need to arrive 90 min before the flight. I get to flights 2 hours early for international. Even so that only adds 30 min. Additionally, when you fly you do not have to pay attention like you do

Sure...but from what I understand she asked for a club soda because she was feeling nauseous. She hadn't vomited yet and there are about 1000 reasons she could be feeling that way - none of them contagious.

Reference? I have never heard of this. Is this rule published in the Journal of BS you made up?

Where are you guys getting 5-6 hours?

What horrible airport do you use? I just flew to DC from overseas and I didn't spend 3 hours in the airport. Additionally, I landed in Dulles which is a notoriously horrible airport. It took me 1.5 hours after landing to go through passport control and customs, get my bags, and take the bus to the metro. The

Arrive at the airport 1 hour before the flight. Flight is about 1 hour. It takes about 30 minutes to 1 hour to get your bags and hit the metro. So 2.5-3 hours in which 2 of those hours can be spent watching a movie, working, reading, sleeping. That seems much better than 4 hours of driving (not to mention having

No. It has been scientifically verified that they were terrible. Additionally, I wouldn't say that they were solid (the originals weren't solid either but still enjoyable). The first movie had zero character development. Not a single character grew or changed as a result of what went on around them in the film.

The Star Wars prequels were terrible.