
Except that we don't yet possess the technology to resolve those signals. If they were communicating via radiowaves for example, the universe is teeming with radiowaves from natural sources. It would be like trying to resolve a flashlight pulse from the surface of the sun. It gets drowned out. Additionally,

You do realize that just recently we gained the technology that allowed us to resolve extra-Solar planets from the background right? Planets are huge.

I am not sure I understand what you are getting at. Yes the light from other civilizations would travel at the speed of light. However, the ability to resolve that light from the background into a meaningful signal would be an exceedingly difficult task.

Nope. Even so, if the Dad was able to visually identify that the guy was drunk, or if the guy was drunk enough to cry about how he was screwed because he was drunk, I think the guy was pretty shit faced. Also, breathalyzers are not automatic. I have been in a wreck before and the cop didn't check me. If you can

This. I oppose the death penalty but if my wife was murdered and it was up to me I would request that the murderer have his skin pealed off while being simultaneously boiled alive in a bucket of oil. Thankfully, the decision wouldn't be mine to make because I would be coming from a place of complete irrationality. a lot of people answer yes? I drank quite a bit when I was young but I never drove drunk. Not once.

This was after he was granted a whole new regeneration cycle. He was granted a new cylce and then partially regenerated into the young 11 and destroyed the dalek fleet in the process. At this point he knows that he has a new cycle. He then went to the Tardis and made the call, failing to hang up the phone. Clara

Well but this incarnation of Clara was close with 11 - she isn't the fragmented version spread all over the doctors timeline. She met 10 and the war doctor but she wasn't close with them. She spent all of her time with 11 and now he is gone but this new face is here and he doesn't feel right. The whole episode

I plan to run simple encounters gridless and more complex encounters with multiple enemies with a grid.

It has been awhile since I played 4E but I remember the rogue, I think, had an ability where he could throw dirt in an enemy's eyes but only 1 per day or encounter. I couldn't figure out how to explain why this very athletic hero couldn't throw dirt at his enemy more than once when I, an old dumpy guy, can. Finally,

Zelda is a Jewish name. It is basically a short nickname for Griselda. Robin wouldn't be out of place compared to that.

Physicist here. We do learn about measurement theory and statistics. Additionally, the majority of the critics of this new engine are physicists.

Nic Cage superman. No thanks.

I am from a southern state and I am a physicist. However, that doesn't change the fact that the educational system in the south is in bad shape.

Nah lots of fan girls aren't onboard with him being the doctor either.

Now I know what Sloth did prior to his adventures with the Goonies.

I would love it if it could be that way in America. But there is already approximately 300,000,000 civilian guns in the USA and a culture of people who are obsessed with them like some people are obsessed with cars.

I only have 1 firearm. A little 9mm. I only bring it out to go to the range every 6 months or so to practice using it. If my door were being kicked down my first thought would be to arm myself with it. I am not a Rambo (I would be scared shitless), I am not a loon with an arsenal (I have one small pistol).

Step One: Go to FLGS
Step Two: Put up a flyer "DM looking for players to torture: Beginners welcome"
Step Three: ?
Step Four: Profit

I have done it several times after moving. When you DM you always find people to play with.

It is hard to imagine how someone who just had to sacrifice his entire species to save the universe would have to force "whimsy".