
That would have been pretty awesome.

Not at all. He was fantastic. Absolutely fantastic.

"You think you're some kind of Jedi, waving your hand around like that? I'm a Jewdarian. Mind tricks don't work on me. Only money. No money, no parts, no deal!"

Defense funds a ton of basic research that they think might be useful further down the line.

What are the alternatives for the name? I would like to put in the Washington Human Beings.

I think stunt casting is simply the casting of well known actors to play small roles. I don't think a connection has to be made between their small role and a previous role.

Now playing

I love this movie. In case you are sleepy listen to this song from the movie.

No. Entangled pairs are fragile things. If you force one to assume a quantum state (for example polarizing it) you will destroy the correlation. Any knowledge of the particle's behavior can only be gained through measurement. At that point you have already collapsed its wave function. Once you have collapsed the

non-locality is also called action at a distance. When you have two objects separated by a distance that interact without an intermediate mechanism you say that they are nonlocal. For example, forces are communicated with exchange particles. A magnetic field is caused by the exchange of photons. An entangled pair

You cannot 'twiddle' one particle and maintain the entangled state. When you attempt to 'twiddle' you destroy the correlation.

Nope. Neither scientist knows which state their particle will be in until they make a measurement. They cannot conserve the entanglement and change the quantum state. All they can do is measure it. Once they measure it they will instantly know what the other person measured, however, they cannot know until they

Gravity does have a travel time. Space time has ripples in it called gravitational waves. If the sun vanished magically, we would keep moving along our orbit until the gravitational wave that its disappearance caused reached us. Gravity waves travel at speed c. Now, it is different that the speed of light in that

Quantum behavior has a probability distribution. However, even if the probability was that the particle would be in 1 of 2 states you still cannot transmit any information because you have no idea which of those 2 states it will be in until you make a measurement.

If you change the spin of your entangle electron you will destroy the entangled pair system. They will no longer be correlated. All you can do is measure it.

You can't do this. If you attempt to change the quantum state of your entangled particle (say entangle it with another particle) you will destroy the entangled pair.

I totally agree here. I keep seeing blogs about this. Most of them just confusing quantum entanglement with teleportation and concluding FTL information transmission.

Gravity is delayed by 8 min. If the sun vanished, we wouldn't know until the gravitational wave its absence created reached us. Gravitational radiation moves at the speed of light.

In quantum mechanics you cannot know the quantum state of something until you measure it and collapse its wave function. When you do this, a particle that is entangled with the particle you are measuring will also have its wave function collapsed in a way that correlates to the first particle. Since you cannot know

Not really. Individual photons are not being slowed down just delayed. When photons interact with a molecule they can be absorbed passing along their energy to electron-energy levels, or movement, vibration, flexing, etc. Eventually this energy is released as another photon. When the energy was in the form of a

But modern measurements show an increase! The proxies agree with these measurements. Proxies like ice cores, sub-fossil pollen, boreholes, corals, lake and ocean sediments, and carbonate speleothems still corroborate with modern measurements.