
Damn how did I forget about fried pickles? I vote that we replace the stars in the confederate flag with fried pickles, fried okra, fried green tomatoes, and sweet tea that could induce a diabetic coma (we will leave that to the artist to depict). Southerners who agree say aye.

Really? I am from Georgia as well and I have eaten them my whole life. You are missing out. If you make them add something spicy to the batter. The further I have ventured away from GA the less restaurants I have found that serve them.

As a Southerner I move that we adopt fried green tomatoes or okra as our symbol. After all we are one of the few cultures on Earth that make vegetables bad for you.

That is probably true - especially in the countryside. However, if you are able to afford a home you are probably not making $7.25-$16 per hour and working at a car plant unless your spouse is making about the same (though you could make the mortgage payments you will have a hard time getting a mortgage with decent

I have lived in Florida, Atlanta, and Mississippi. The cost of living is lower, but not so low that it offsets the lower income that you make when compared to my experiences up North. My last apartment in Mississippi rented for $999 per month, no utilities included. Similar apartments in Maryland (known for having

Southerner who recently moved to the Northeast. You are wrong.

The majority of the employees there want the union and so they got the union. He has the choice to go work somewhere else. I see nothing compulsory here.

So over there you can sit around an play WoW and be fed while in prison? I know some people who would volunteer for that.

Sheldon's so sort of exists in physics. However, the ones that I know that I identify with Sheldon obviously have a mental illness. I don't laugh at them. When you remove the laugh track from that show, it becomes a drama about the everyday struggles of someone with autism.

Physicist/scif-fi fantasy geek/comic book fan here. I really hate the BBT. I don't judge anyone that likes it, however, I find it to perpetuate stereotypes and to be somewhat sexist.

The writers seem to have never met a physicist. The characters are either autistic or just plain socially maladjusted. From my

Even if there wasn't any snow. If everyone tried to go home from Atlanta at the same time it would be almost as bad. The snow is almost irrelevant. The road system in Atlanta was designed by a schizophrenic. When I used to live there, a 15 min commute could easily turn into 2 hours because of a tiny accident in

There is observable proof. Lots of it. You probably just do not understand what you are looking at when you see it. Thousands of scientists working in tangentially related fields not funded by major corporations agree with the consensus reached by climatologists. I am an atmospheric physicist working in a

I've lived in Atlanta. We had 2-3 inches of snow before and it wasn't this bad. This is different. The ground was warm enough that the snow turned to standing water when it hit the ground. Then as the ground cooled the water froze and became thick ice that was covered by powdery snow that continued to fall. Then

The nerdiest branch of all possible nerdlinesses? Physics.

Aghhh the shit walk. My lab does this.

The issue is that the movie depends on throwbacks to the original that don't really make sense in the new context. It isn't really a remake but it still sucks. When Spock screams Khan it is a cheap nod to the original to make fan boys wet themselves. However it is dumb. The emotional release from Spock over Kirk's

My dog walks in circles just before he poops. Starts in big circles and then gets smaller and faster until he zeroes in on the spot.

Sturm wasn't a paladin. He was a knight. Kit was the sister of Caramon and Raistlin. But yeah she was pretty much a sociopath. I thought Riverwind was annoying and I wished they focused more on Tanis' inner conflict (elf or human) without making that all he was about.

I own and wear a shorter version of Baker's scarf. Every now and then, while walking down the street with this scarf on, I get a nod.

Okay I am willing to toy with this. Lem = mel could be a fluke, but then again she did know how to fly the TARDIS and their banter and talk about suppressing the psychopath seems to suggest what you are saying.

What would be the timeline though? River died in the library. Are you saying that she regenerated somehow?