
After Night of the Living Dead everything just started getting crappier as far as Romero movies go. Don't get me wrong, I love Dawn of the Dead and Day of the Dead (less so), but they paled in comparison to NOTLD. The Walking Dead very much reminds me of NOTLD. So I take his opinion with a grain of salt (watch land

More like a space ghost tooth. Very cool stuff.

I want to go the XXX tree too.

in some of the comics when they team up Batman always becomes more the detective collecting intel while Superman breaks stuff.

I am agnostic but I am also an atheist. I consider the 4 types of beliefs to be gnostic atheism, agnostic atheism, agnostic theism, and gnostic theism. A gnostic atheist would say that there are no gods. It is a statement of certainty. The agnostic atheist would say that they are without belief in gods because

What about Eli from "Let the Right One In". Best vampire flick in years.

I think I am just angry because when I was young being a nerd did not get you laid and now that it does I am too old and fat for it to matter.

Wake turbulence also forms on wind turbine farms. Essentially, wake turbulence caused by a turbine interacts with turbines behind it and can cause significant stress loads on the turbine blades. Engineers research ways to handle this.

Additionally, it can cause problems for microphone arrays measuring at certain

Yeah this. Batman catches them. He isn't their judge.

Chaotic lawful? Well I can see where you are coming from. If Bruce was an appointed crime fighter by the state I would say he is lawful good. However, because he does what he thinks is right, regardless of what the government and police think is right, he is a vigilante and so I can see a chaotic good

I blame the Big Bang Theory. Not the actual theory but the television show. Though I guess ultimately the Big Bang event is responsible.