
BvS was never a MoS sequel. It was never peddled as that.

It sounds like the rumours of Stewart showing up in JL as GL may prove accurate, if the soundtrack listing is to be believed.

That would be amazing.

Um, they were in Suicide Squad together. They even interacted (car chase).

Okay here goes.

Also, was “goop” an intentional pun since that’s Paltrow’s pseudoscience makeup line?

Pepper will be in a suit, is what that indicates to me.

And Pedro is amazing!

That is one SPECTACULAR....err... ring.

This is the main issue. She’s not that interesting, and they didn’t have any really interesting stories to give her. That such a vocal minority seem to think it was so good...kind of speaks volumes?

I don’t mean for this to sound callous...but as someone who tried very hard to watch and like Carter, I could not. No one I know of in my circle of friends and family (my wife was actually the person who turned it off and said “this show is hot garbage”) could either, especially season 2. It was poorly written,