
We celebrate and indulge in the treasures both high and low that we feature on Preserve. We are aware that a lot of what we are selling is outlandish in a world where people are starving and have nowhere to sleep. This is a real problem. One that even on our high horse we can't ignore. This is our community. Each of

There can be no doubt Dunbar is telling the truth about what happened. When it comes to fighting, or indeed any other subject, Americans are notorious for their difficulty understanding, let alone countering, Dmetrique's system.

Ahem, as someone from NH, I believe it is called "Trashua." There is also Manch-Vegas, and Dirty Derry, and Scudson.

more like Astro-not, amirite

Agreed. And a Manchester pun too.

If you could articulate how the U.S. did not fund/arm/train those that destabilized Ukraine

ha ha ok ok. Maybe I had a little too much coffee. Thanks for the slap. Im just frustrated.

Did I ever tell you about the time Ron Paul took me out to go get a drink with him? We go off looking for a bar and we can't find one. Finally, Ron takes me into a vacant lot and says, 'Here we are.' Well, we sat there for a year and a half. Sure enough, someone constructed a bar around us. Well, the day they opened highly unlikely. The corridor was a well-used one prior to the war, and the no-fly limit was well-published. The ultimate decision to use that flight path was on Malaysia Airways, who considered the risk acceptable.

Please drink some draino and save this world from your stupidity


Um, it's usually the people on the Right... but keep trying.

OMFG... you are delusional.

The refrigeration will fail because it's a Russian train. No interference needed.

The "eastern Ukrainian Russian separatists" strike me as essentially the same type of gang who amassed around Cliven Bundy, but with very effective SAMs.

What kind of action movie universe do you live in?

way to earn 50 rubles, comrade.

What they wanted was to shoot down a ukrainian military transport. What they hit instead was a civilian airliner. No big conspiracy there. It's just a monumental and criminal fuck up. Their own posts on social media reveal this.

Despite his best efforts he could only kill little over 100 before he was deposed.

Well, gentlemen, I'm from Ukraine, and I've seen some "pro-russian rebels" in person. If you think that they are just poor people who do not agree with Kiev's politics you're totally wrong. That bastards consists of two kinds: bandits who get paid by Russia to destabilize our country and Russian soldiers undercover.