
I think the real anger from LeBron leaving the Heat would come in the fall when the actual fans have to keep hearing people ask "Where's LeBron? *points to nearest black man* Is THAT him?" from the other 80% of the fan base. The ones who might not even be aware they won a championship in 2006, just "the 4 straight

NYC has roughly 15,000 Argentine Americans. Yet judging by the amount of Argentina shirts I saw yesterday, apparently it's 2 million, and 90% are Hispanics. Some guy literally had a Mexican flag tattoo on his arm and he was acting like the biggest Argentina fan ever.

not to go all Bill Simmons, but there are a lot of players who could average 19/5/5 if they only had to play 54 games, and never play a back to back

I felt a great disturbance in the force. As if millions of Heat jerseys were folded and suddenly put in the back of closets.

Linda Litzke: Does he look like he would have a sense of humor?

I do know one thing. He needs to put some lenses in those 3-D glasses.

I'd pay to see Bill Belichick doing this.

Nobody drinks juice in Cleveland, as they're afraid it might provide some health benefits. Nobody wants to live any longer than they have to in Cleveland.

1. Lebron goes to Cleveland


I now know why no one likes you.