Agreed, but at first this kinda reminded me of Device 6, which was really awesome and totally worth the cost. However, this could ultimately just be an endless series of difficult puzzles built to deliver ads to people and sell them hints, especially given the developer's other creations. Cryptic messages coupled…
Fuuuuuuck off. If I wanted to stir shit up, I wouldn't have put that disclaimer in there and would have simply pointed FKA's hair looks like my black girlfriend's style from the early 90s.
Pretty much everyone I know that's funny and delightful, self included, has a dismal dating life. It seems like the cooler you are the harder time you have finding someone who doesnt suck.
man fucking bla....,wha ..their what..no.. but but but white people don't do this ..black people are the thugs their the ones with no home training or self respect ..or have I been lied to.. have I been brainwashed ..has the media lied to me ..has everything been a lie !!!
Yeah. I love the way white people always do the same thing. Ignoring context when it suits them. Look at them all "Well, when Black people say n****r, how can they expect us not to?"
Why did my mind go to Cotton Gin and Juice?
So, because some rap music is misogynistic, it's ok to attribute racism to rap music? Interesting thought line - flawed, though.
Mika's point is racist AND astoundingly stupid. If they were chanting "there will never be any melanin endowed people in SAE" it will still be fucking racist. The media is obsessed with words but it is the venomous intention that is racist. Oh yeah and thanks for blaming us for your kids appropriation of our culture,…
i came up with
C'mon though - the Intentionally Withheld Education of Lauryn Hill? I mean.
The Iggy joke made me choke on my cereal. I love Black Twitter.
Black Twitter: On point as always.
This will get less funny throughout the day as non-black people start to "use their voices,"
Oh, now racism is caused by black people in the entertainment industry?
Blaming the victim, the game the whole family can play! (as long as it is a family of entitled, white jack offs)
Being black causes racism.
Three Fifths Mafia is the best.