
It's a Chapelle show reference, dope.

Are you dense? There is a difference between not being politically correct and going after unborn children, if you can't grasp that then I don't know what to tell you.

Original thinking here. You really impressed me with the substance of your argument. Tired act of labeling people with no proof, it's pathetic.

It's cute when leftist try and adopt terms like snowflake.

Shapiro at Daily Wire is more credible than any of the garbage you read. And the people you describe at the end are foolish, I don't write nonsense like that.

You're resisting nothing, Internet hero.

White trash Chelsea attacks his unborn nephew and he's the bad guy, how pathetic of this site.

Welp this settles so much, you are clearly an intellectual giant for correcting my silly spelling mistake.

It's called polling on policies, you know where they show his policies are supported more than they are not. The man is not exactly easy to like but his policies seem to have solid approval ratings. And it's called looking at the votes in the last election, slugger. Pretty much half support him. I know it is hard to

You really need to escape this bubble that keeps you from acknowledging that pretty much half the country actually supports the President.

Like when Starbucks took a hit after saying they would hire 10k refugees, Ivanka's line has hit a new high. There's examples both ways.

You obviously missed the reference/joke and you're "point" is inaccurate, whenever business' take far left political stances they suffer financially.

Welp Wacarnolds will not be having a good day financially.

How is it living in your bubble where you ignore the fact that Trumps policies have been universally supported by more people than not? See this is where Seth's joke is embarrassing. The media portrays the country as in chaos yet every poll on policies comes back favoring Trumps actions.

A good SNL sketch? That's a good one.

To not realize the media has discredited themselves, no collusion has been found with Russia, and the phony care about the planet is amazing. Perhaps next Seth can reach out to all his celebrity friends and tell them to go back to being entertainers and avoid being virtue signaling turds while most Americans support