Nothing makes me want to friendzone a guy more than a guy complaining about being friendzoned. Also, it's too bad a fedora isn't included in that list of things to buy
Nothing makes me want to friendzone a guy more than a guy complaining about being friendzoned. Also, it's too bad a fedora isn't included in that list of things to buy
False equivilency: Spiders are not humans. Not even close, not cognitively and not ethically. And you chose DNA extraction, one of the few things he mentioned for which a non-lethal alternative exists. But there are dozens of other tests for which non lethal alternatives do not exist. And you also ignore his point…
German here. I don't know about all the other problems, though I'm an academic and had to manage relationships through my long study period. I am not at all an extrovert, but coming out on the other side of a PhD made me realize that self confidence or not it is, objectively, me who's the catch and if some dude…
Self-harm is an addiction, and man, do I know addiction. And if you're anything like me, it so often feels like that harm is rewarding, because you get that, oh, shit, I'm doing something! I made a thing happen! And that makes you feel so much more . . . effective and productive in the world, even though you just…
Yes! I have a "disability" which is basically that abstract concepts like most math and concepts like imagining what the inside of some thing you've never seen before don't work in my brain. It makes math RIDICULOUSLY hard (like, tears during tests hard) but my local community college had a great alternative learning…
Honestly? If I were you, I'd insist on using the car. I base this on two points:
The only reunion I went to was my 25th. I had a blast and found that no one really discussed their careers at all. I also had a great evening talking with an old friend and we will be married 3 years in March. So yeah I say go
Cheers. I'm hoping I grew out of the loser bit as well. Still bookish and nerdy, though.
I'm fucking pissed at my mom. I have super curly hair, so I usually just let my mom cut it once or twice a year. She has a strange obsession with my baby hairs - they break off a lot and she talks about it all the time. Recently they got pretty long, so she has been talking about cutting my hair so that it is all the…
I did go to mine, I had a great time, and it felt like all the bullshit from high school was gone. But I also graduated from a small high school (73 people in my class) and most of us had been in school together since kindergarten, so... It can be kind of a crapshoot, depending on your high school.
I'm totally going to to be nosy! I'm facebook friend with about half of my graduating class but I'd still love to reconvene and find out if everyone is as happy as they look.
How much do you think it would cost to ship my brother off to a different continent? A girl can dream.
I have a serious, long term problem. I'm desperate for a solution. I am not sexually attracted to my husband in the slightest.
from what I've seen here, your writing skills are fine. Considerably better than most people starting junior/community college straight out of high school.
I don't think you should preach at him or try to convert him to your causes or way of thinking. Just be you and if he sees something of value in how you live your life he'll be curious and ask or learn by example. No one wants to be nagged or told their beliefs are wrong.
Gave out candy last night in the Jardin here in San Miguel de Allende. We had approximately 50 pounds worth in three mesh bags. It was myself and my brother and his friend. They are cutest kids down here in Mexico, but they're not all hip to Halloween. Sometimes they just stood there agog at being given free…
Could you get a copy of your medical records, or find out where/what kind of cyst it is, and google around? Hopefully you will get information that will put your mind at ease.
I put in my application for the greencard lottery this week. Cross your fingers for me!
I don't know, I think it's pretty uncool that he brought it up. If you live with roommates and you're an adult human, chances are someone is going to hear SOMEONE make sexy noises. I doubt your wild dream sex negatively impacted the quality of his living, so laughing it off (like it sounds you have) seems like a great…
I move to England semi-permanently on Thursday to live with my fiancé and get married. IM SO FUCKING SCARED HAHA! Please send me good vibes as I pack my life away!