
Sorry, but Sandberg wasn’t middle class by a long shot - her dad was a doctor, her mom taught at a university (after dropping out of a PhD program) and her maternal grandmother was college educated. All of those things together put her firmly having a background in the upper class. Does the middle class extend to the

Don’t assume I’m not a Hillary supporter (I am because you know, preventing the apocalypse and all that) — I just really hate seeing her keep making own goals against herself.

As a fellow Yid, nope!

Sandberg is the poster girl for “feminism” for rich white women with trust funds and nannies. Like I’m not surprised, but it’s kind of a bummer.

Yes, you are absolutely correct.

I kind of (okay, totally) love the vaporwave shirt 3rd from the left in the bottom row.

I’m just a little touchy about pretty much every asian thing kind of collapsing into a black hole of “geisha” for no reason —but since you can support your opinion, I guess we can agree to disagree instead of being mortal enemies ;)

That is a fucking fantastic dress, and he is SLAYING.


I am so sad that you do not have the a sweeps week episode where a character quits as “The Smiths - Frankly Mr. Shankly”.

Pretty much the only change I would make is moving BSC to be above Chocolate Fudge, which I think is horrendously overrated.

If I want a breakfast delicacy I’ll fry up some delicious blueberry blintzes. Otherwise I want a breakfast sugar infusion, which is delivered by my favorite pop tart Brown Sugar Cinnamon. S’mores are great too, but I feel like they make a better snack than breakfast.

Nope, but I also don’t think propping up dictators (another great American passtime) is the way to go either. Both sides here will happily murder Kurds and “enemies”. I can only support the YPG with reservations here.

Sounds like you’re talking about Obama there IMHO.

Her VP candidate is also pro-Assad and called people protesting the Charlie Hebdo murders “white power marchers”. Did I mention he’s associated with holocaust deniers?

The Green Party’s platform seems to be, in a nutshell, kook-adjacent with plausible deniability. Their constituency seems to be crunchy granola liberals and lefty conspiracy theorists— and it’s a huge disappointment.

You really think non-union guards are going to be any better? Seriously?

It’s fine, we’re good. All’s forgiven :)

Sorry, I always get rilled up a little with that wording — because it doesn’t really take the feelings of the disabled person into account (because children are monsters; even the kids willing to be nice to me were bullied severely.)