Hahaha, I meant that a specific subset of Communists I’m familiar with were really really into psychoanalysis and I saw cites to Capitalism and Schizophrenia everywhere for a while. (You know, the kind of people who wish they wrote for Jacobin)
Hahaha, I meant that a specific subset of Communists I’m familiar with were really really into psychoanalysis and I saw cites to Capitalism and Schizophrenia everywhere for a while. (You know, the kind of people who wish they wrote for Jacobin)
It’s just SO WEIRD seeing something I most associate with Communist theorybros being referenced in a goddamn Gucci show.
like a Spiritualized concert, all light show and dissonance.
IIRC, I remember that she sold out and did boring alternapop because she was broke and wanted to better take care of her daughter. I remember a lot of people being upset on LJ at the time.
Is early Liz Phair any good?
Island in the Sun is such a great little song.
I just remember Mansion of Cardboard being awesome, and all the boardies (what we called ourselves on the official weezer dot com forums back in the day) flipping out.
Oh god I am so sorry, that is super fucking gross.
Make her read the essay “Rivers Cuomo Messes You Up Forever” in The Awl sometime!
It’s exactly 20 years!
To be fair, The Green Album is okay and not nearly as creepy as Pinkerton so I’d want to keep that along with the pre-Maladroit demos and then torch everything else. That could be my nostalgia talking, though.
I was really into the Weezer fandom in the early-aughts when I was in high school. I probably can still sing Pinkerton from front to back... but now that I’m not 15 I’m so grossed out by all his misogyny and yellow fever (in the songs themselves!) I can’t even listen to it.
We can still make fun of Rivers Cuomo right???? Because he posted this on twitter recently
That’s what the UN is for! Plenty of Syrians in refugee camps in neighboring countries they can background check and then take in!
Sometimes I think educating people is worth it. If someone’s being civil, I’d rather have a discussion be a honeypot I can flag and dismiss from.
It’s not — whatsapp and skype exist, and Europe has much better 4G coverage than America. I’m in Sweden, I get 7gbs a month on 4g for under 30usd a month. Set up a mobile hot spot to share with your buddies and you can facebook message and whatsapp to your heart’s content.
I’m pretty sure clothes come in different sizes? Maybe they had iphones from before their houses were rubble (there are a lot of upper class Syrians), or have older model used phones?
Flag and dismiss!
All I’ll say about that is that high end clothes have been donated, and you can get a used basic smartphone for like 20 USD. Worth it if it’s the only connection you have with family/friends.
My absolute favorite is Daria and Jane. To be weird and different and okay, to be allowed to be negative, to wander aimlessly around town and go and eat shitty pizza.