That sounds like an experience I'd love to hear about!
That sounds like an experience I'd love to hear about!
Zero judgement. I’m an MSR shipper ;) And a fan of Kumail Nanjiani’s X Files Files podcast.
Seriously, all you have to say is “Snapes on an astral plane” and I will collapse into a giggle fit. Like I’m doing right now.
Ahahahahahahahahahhahaha, oh god, I 100% believe that.
I remember a bunch of Cloud Strifes running around.
Waaaaaaay before. I was super involved in fandom and fandom culture around 10-15 years ago, and we were laughing about it then.
And the Kinjaverse is like Geocities neighborhoods. You’re welcome.
Oh my god, I know I shouldn’t laugh... but I can’t stop.
Mostly I feel old and geeky.
Oh god, were you around for the SnapeWives? I can’t decide if that was better or worse than Otakukin...
I’m glad you figured it out, and I hope you’re feeling better now!
Oh my god, did they have webrings back then????
Oh my god, the rest of the world has discovered otherkin.
I’ve been looking for more Maluca since I heard her on Future Brown’s Vernaculo, which I found because I saw it in Fatima al Qadiri’s discography after I read a blurb about her Desert Strike EP, which is killer.
There is a documentary in the works! I backed it on Kickstarter!
Gross! I would have quit too!
Oh I’m sorry, I didn’t realize you couldn’t read between the lines that I’m talking class and observantness (any frum girls on those shows? Or even dudes with peyos or even a fucking yarmaluke?). Or your assumption that all Jews are white and share a culture, which is not the case.
Hi, if we were talking adult literature here I’d be interested in discussing this, but we’re not. We’re talking children’s books and YA and female protagonists who look like us.
You can be both!