
There is a documentary in the works! I backed it on Kickstarter!

Gross! I would have quit too!

Oh I’m sorry, I didn’t realize you couldn’t read between the lines that I’m talking class and observantness (any frum girls on those shows? Or even dudes with peyos or even a fucking yarmaluke?). Or your assumption that all Jews are white and share a culture, which is not the case.

Hi, if we were talking adult literature here I’d be interested in discussing this, but we’re not. We’re talking children’s books and YA and female protagonists who look like us.

You can be both!

Totally forgot they were Jewish, that’s how big a deal it was.

All not books

I read really widely, but it was mostly by going to the library and picking random books off the shelves.

Cheers! :)

Oh my god, yes! I loved both of those! I totally forgot about them.

If you remember some of the titles I’d love to get my hands on them.

YES. I want some Jewish protagonists that have nothing to do with the holocaust k thx.

This is true of pretty much all minorities, at least from my experience in the 90s where I read EVERYTHING with female protags I could get my hands on. The only PoC main female character in a novel that took place in the present day I can think of from my childhood is Julie (From Julie of the Wolves), who is iirc

Cassie was always my favorite! She was a total badass and I was ridiculously jealous of her farm life.

If we’re just talking kid’s books.... Cassie, from Animorphs

Gifted — so whatever was there was masked to some extent. I got a lot of “You’re so smart, you should understand!”

Fnord and Spiderpig actually terrify me, they’re so out there that Something Awful would not tolerate them. I might lurk and read up on some of the research, but I can’t handle people like them who are so obviously trolling and getting away with it because of their diagnoses.

Thanks for the tips! I want those operating instructions, that’s pretty much the goal :)

I’m really lucky, in that I found my old IEP evaluations, along with my WISC-III scores, when I was in the states over the summer. They show a massive gap between my verbal and performance IQ.

I just spent some time reading through wrongplanet, and holy fuck, I do not have thick enough skin to deal with men like that.