Just to clear things up for everyone:
Just to clear things up for everyone:
There’s a few interviews out there specifying that when referring to Conchita the character, female pronouns are used, but Tom out of drag uses male pronouns.
Actually, I think he mentioned it at a panel? I remember seeing captioned screens (I think from NYCC) of Gillian’s reactions and it was hilarious.
I look more like Duchovny than Anderson (similar ethnic make up, probably why I’ve always been eh on him) but I’ve always thought Gillian should play JK Rowling in the eventual biopic.
You’re not alone in that!
Scully... has never had the best taste in men. The manic pixie dream guy that is Mulder seemed like a step up for her, but if I was her BFF I would have strongly steered her towards Skinner.
It could.
I always thought that was just wistful thinking on the part of shippers?
I know you mentioned Copenhagen, but I know for a fact Stockholm has Segway tours, so Copenhagen probably does too. So that might cut down on the walking if you want to see the city before you zero in on specific places you want to go :)
Depends what country. You have no idea what a pain in the ass sourcing weed is in Sweden. Your average local thinks it’s on the same level as heroin.
I have the body type of a 40s pin up. My mom is rail thin and flat as a board (naturally, but she also is horribly fatphobic) . As soon as I hit puberty I was so ashamed of my body that I stopped swimming because I was so uncomfortable that anyone could see my thighs.
I spent the entirety of 8th and 9th grade wearing carpenter mom jeans and baggy t shirts because I was so embarrassed by how “fat” I was.
I keenly remember my first experience — I think I was 16?
I’m glad to see it’s possible! Someday for me, maybe...
Most therapists aren’t equipped to work with trauma patients. My current shrink is a trauma specialist, and I have done EMDR, ACT, and mindfulness - all of which have helped me. Sorry you never got adequate care.
Why am I not surprised that Sheryl Sandberg and Malcolm Gladwell are friends? They deserve each other.
Hah, no, I didn't pay - I went to both when they were having special events, so I got 30 minutes free at MAC and around the same at MUS, but I bought like 600sek of stuff because the concealer and brightening pencil she used were magic and then I was sooooo close to getting a free make up case. Next time I have some…
Oh man Connie, I went twice here in Sthlm and got terrible photos each time (Once at The Make Up Store at PUB and once at the MAC counter at the Ahléns at T-Centralen). They also gave me a blank stare when I asked for "the usual" (one of the girls at The Make Up Store called Swedes cowards and boring when it comes to…
Who knew my limp high school hair would be trendy 10 years later! I can't look at that photo without reflexively cringing.
False equivalency. He did exactly what people said Assange should have done after the Wikileaks release. Even if he read everything, that wouldn’t mean he understood it. Greenwald, the Guardian, and the NYT were good choices.