
Devil’s Advocate here. People who purposely lie to mislead the masses aren’t good people. I know what you are thinking. I’m crazy. Should everyone who makes a mistake be arrested? Arrest everyone who thinks we eat 10 spiders a year? But the police believe he was purposely lying.

Or she's glad the princess doesn't have a boyfriend

For there to be a joke missed, you would have had to say something funny.

When F1 starts adding weapons to the cars I’ll start watching it.

Growing up, I had the hot take that Dragon Warrior Monsters was better than Pokemon.  I used to adore that game.

It would be nice to have the capability as Pathfinder to pick up the Zipline Ultimate after its use.

This Can (Not) Get Any Better

I have two teenage boys that play fortnite (and one has played Apex, but I guess all his friends don’t, so he went back to fortnite), and they literally yell all the time about cheaters and bots. I haven’t sat down and really watch it, but they claim that EVERY time they die.

Prospero and Sayrna actually have different stores selling different things. Prospero’s is the ‘Featured’ store and Sayrna’s is the ‘Crafting’ store. They’re just combined on the same interface for convenience.

It’s funny how in Smash he’s got all these dark moves like grappling and wrestling. 

Coming soon: BattleFront of the Old Republic: Story by DICE, gameplay by BioWare!

I am so sorry that I don’t know where Scotland is, it’s been fixed ;____;

Forgot the classic standby quote...

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: all of these reviews make me feel guilty for enjoying Anthem.

sorry I’ll just be over here watching the Pick of Destiny again laughing.

It’s funny that he always says that, but is actually playing/ educating the masses on old games and consoles. Not that there aren’t a wealth of channels that already do that. Just none of them quite like Jack. 

I’m not sure you understood the context here - she was saying that we only see the side that they (they being streamers/public personalities) want us to see. There was no implication of Twitch here, and nothing disingenuous.